The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Brian Henderson-Sellers (University of Technology, Sydney) on 'OO and AO
Methodologies - a Method Engineering Approach'.
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after
the talk! Non-CHOOSE members are also welcome, and are encouraged to
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NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
OO and AO Methodologies - a Method Engineering Approach
When: Tuesday June 27, 2006
Where: Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
Travel instructions:
Prof. Brian Henderson-Sellers, University of Technology, Sydney
17h15 Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
The FAME project uses method engineering to construct a
methodological approach for agent-oriented software development
using, as a precursor, the object-oriented OPEN Process Framework.
The repository of OO-focussed method fragments has been extended to
support various agent-oriented methodological approaches. In this
talk, I will show how method engineering provides an excellent base
for constructing situation specific software engineering
methodologies for both object and agent software development. Both
OPF and FAME use an existing repository coupled to an appropriate
metamodel (which in the near future will be the new ISO standard
metamodel ISO24744, itself based on the OO concept of powertypes).
This flexible, yet standardized repository supplies method fragments
that are then configured to support specific projects. In addition,
all existing, and new, OO and AO methodologies can be recreated, thus
providing an industry strength resource for object-oriented and agent-
oriented software development.
Brian Henderson-Sellers is Director of the Centre for Object
Technology Applications and Research and Professor of Information
Systems at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). He is author
or editor of 27 books and is well-known for his work in object-
oriented and agent-oriented methodologies (MOSES, COMMA, OPEN,
OOSPICE, FAME), OO metrics and metamodelling. More recently, he has
chaired workshops at OOPSLA and AOIS (Agent-Oriented information
Systems workshop) on agent-oriented methodologies. He is Editor of
the International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering and
on the editorial board of Journal of Object Technology, Software and
Systems Modelling and International Journal of Cognitive Informatics
and Natural Intelligence. In July 2001, Professor Henderson-Sellers
was awarded a Doctor of Science (DSc) from the University of London
for his research contributions in object-oriented methodologies.
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