The CHOOSE executive board and the Software Composition Group of the
University of Berne are pleased to invite you to a presentation.
Spring Framework Overview
When: Tuesday 20. September 2005, @17h15
Where: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universität Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hörsaal 001
Travel instructions:
Guido Schmutz, Trivadis AG
17h15 - 18h15 Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
The past two years have seen a growing trend toward lightweight
architectures as alternatives to traditional Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
centric architectures. In this approach, application services and domain
objects are designed as plain old Java technology objects (POJOs),
resulting in fine-grained application components that are reusable and
testable outside a container. This can significantly increase
productivity and allows easier use of agile processes in J2EE platform
development. Key enabling technologies include lightweight containers,
such as Spring and HiveMind, and O/R mapping frameworks, such as
Hibernate, Java Data Objects (JDO), and TopLink.
This presentation introduces the Spring Framework and its lightweight
container architecture, focusing on its powerful Dependency Injection
capabilities, the Spring AOP framework, and the popular Spring JDBC
technology framework. It highlights Spring's transaction management
capabilities - in particular, declarative transactions for plain old
Java technology objects - and illustrates data access object design for
strategies, such as JDBC technology and Hibernate, which are supported
out-of-the-box and integrated in a consistent architectural style.
Spring does not compete with J2EE technology-based servers and the core
system services provided by them; instead, Spring adds architectural
value within J2EE technology-based applications, leveraging J2EE
services without coupling application components to a concrete J2EE
Seit 1996 ist Guido Schmutz für die Trivadis als Consultant und Trainer
in den Bereichen Oracle, J2SE und J2EE tätig. Er hat mehr als 10 Jahre
Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von datenbanknahen und objektorientierten
Systemen. Sein beruflicher Schwerpunkt sind Java-Architekturen
insbesondere auch in Zusammenhang mit dem optimalen Einsatz von modernen
Datenbank-Systemen, z.B. Oracle.
This event is free even the drinks after the talk! Non-CHOOSE members
are encouraged to fill out the membership application form
( before attending the meeting. If you
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please visit
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