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The CHOOSE executive board is glad to invite you to the next talk given
by Mark Stolz (Esmertec AG, Dübendorf): "Challenges Facing Wireless Java
Application Developers" on Monday, June 16. 2003.
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after the
talk! Non-CHOOSE members are encouraged to fill out the membership
application form ( before attending the
meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which
CHOOSE organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required. See registration form at
the end of this e-mail.
Challenges Facing Wireless Java Application Developers
Monday, June 16. 2003
Institut für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik (IAM),
Universität Bern, Schützenmattstrasse 14, 3012 Bern
Room 107 (building 68, see travel instructions)
Travel instructions:
Mark Stolz, Esmertec AG, Dübendorf
17:00 - 18:15h Talk, live demo and Questions.
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Abstract: Challenges Facing Wireless Java Application Developers
The market for J2ME-enabled wireless devices is growing rapidly and
represents an interesting opportunity for J2ME application developers.
However, there are a number of challenges to developing applications
for this segment. In this presentation, we will explore some of the
issues stemming from the following three areas:
1. The impact of competing J2ME application environments
(MIDP 2.0, DoJa 1.5, and VSCL 1.1)
2. How JVM implementation influences application development
3. Coping with JSRs--a survey of the most significant J2ME JSRs
The presentation will be held in English and will conclude with a demo.
Mark Stolz is the Technology Architect at esmertec ag. He joined
esmertec in 1999 as a Senior Software Engineer with the Jbed Core
Development Team. There his work focused on BSP and device-driver
development, and on enhancing Jbed's real-time scheduler. Mark has
over 10 years of experience developing software for embedded real-time
systems and holds a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. in Computer Science from
California State University, Chico.
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