Hi all,
As you might have heard next year on February 18th, 2004 there will be a
general Open Source event at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The
event is called "LOTS - Let's Open the Source" and seeks to bring
together the different stake holders of FOSS (Free and Open Source
Software). Please visit the website
www.lots.ch and specially the new
english section located at
www.lots.ch/index_en.html for more
information about the event.
This and the following week the call for participation takes place. You
can add to this event in the following four ways filling out the
submission form:
1. Present your FOSS Project:
2. Present your FOSS-related Company:
3. Hold a presentation:
4. Lead a workshop:
The submission deadline is already next weeks Friday, December 19th
2003. We hope you're so spontaneous and will decide to participate in
the event!
Hope to hear from you soon, sincerely,
Matthias Stürmer
Matthias Stürmer matthias(a)lots.ch
+41 (0)76 368 81 65
LOTS - Let's Open the Source
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