Sehr geehrte CHOOSE-Mitglieder
Die /ch/open (Swiss Open Systems User Group) lädt Sie ein, sich fuer den
nächsten Swiss Open Business Lunch (OBL)
vom 10.3.05 anzumelden:
11.45 Uhr: Fédéral Entrecôte Café, Bärenplatz 31, Bern/BE (vor dem
Bundeshaus), Tel.: 031 311 16 24
Ein kurzer Inpust steht am Anfang des Lunches. Beim anschliessenden
gemeinsamen Mittagessen kann das Thema weiter diskutiert werden.
Corinne Kassapoglou Faist, EPFL, hält zu Beginn einen Kurzvortrag zum Thema:
An Integrated Platform for Location-based Services built on Java Technologies
In the context of a EU project, an integrated platform that caters for the
full range of issues related to location-based services (service
development, deployment and provisioning) has been developed and
demonstrated. The platform serves as an execution environment for service
instances, integrates various positioning systems (GPS, GSM-based,
WLAN-based), and supports multiple end-user intefaces. In addition, a
service creation environment enables high-level service specification in an
XML-based language, service deployment and testing.
The platform is based on open technologies, mainly J2EE and Web Services.
The service creation envitronment is based on the Eclipse Project.
The speach will be in English.
Corinne Kassapoglou Faist obtained a EE diploma at EPFL (1985) and a M.S.
in Mathematics at Rutgers University (1997). From 1985 to 1989 she worked
as a R.and T.A at the EE. Department and later at the Mathematics
Department at EPFL, respectively on the implementation of control
algorithms on DSPs and on the dynamics of recursive digital filters.
From 1991 to 1997, she resided in the U.S. for family reasons. She joined
the Real-Time and Software group at CSEM in 1998. Her interests include
algorithms and protocols for secure communications, communication
protocols, distributed software. She is a mother of 3.
Gerne erwarten wir Ihre Anmeldung unter
<> bis zum 9.3.05.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Ursula Burri
Swiss Open Systems User Group Tel.: +41 1 350 26 56 (freitags)
/ch/open Fax: +41 1 350 26 55
Postfach 2322 E-mail: <>
CH-8033 Zuerich WWW: <>
Sekretariat Ursula Burri E-mail: <>
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