Liebe CHOOSE Freunde,
gerne erinnern wir Sie an unseren nächsten SWEN Talk:
SWEN freut sich, Sie zum nächsten "SWEN Talk" bereits am 10. Januar einladen zu
Scrum a Pattern Language applied to Enterprise Transformation
Referent: Andrea Tomasini, agile42, Berlin
Scrum has been designed to create hyper-productive teams, able to develop high quality
products that fulfill customer needs. It focuses on the highest value and incremental
delivery to ensure the release of a constant flow of high value features. Many companies
embraced with enthusiasm the adoption of Scrum in their Product Development, but how many
really live the Scrum paradigm as a whole? How many companies really embrace the change
towards a higher productivity paradigm? Never thought about using the Scrum Pattern
Language in the context of an Enterprise Transformation? This session will present an
approach to Enterprise Transformation using Scrum as a catalyzer for change, and apply its
pattern language to drive a transition and reach a long term sustainability
Andrea Tomasini is the founder of agile42 GmbH and expert in lean, agile methodologies and
strategic consulting.
He has been working in the software development and product management as well as the
process optimization arena for more than 15 years and is one of the few Certified Scrum
Coaches in the world.
Andrea trained and coached a diverse range of teams and helped many companies in various
industries: finance, telecommunication and automotive in implementing agile methods like
His background includes experience in software and product development, business and
functional analysis, lean coaching, organizational change, system architecture and project
Andrea serves many customers as a strategic advisor and agile coach and consultant to the
IT organization, helping in implementing Scrum effectively with distributed teams.
NOTE: The talk will be held in English
Hochschule für Technik Zürich, Lagerstrasse 41, 8021 Zürich, Raum: 226 (2. Stock)…
vom HB Zürich)
Datum / Zeit:
Dienstag, 10. Januar, 2012 / 17.00 (!!) Uhr bis ca. 18:30 Uhr.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, auch der anschliessende Apero ☺
Um Anmeldung unter Angabe Ihrer vollständigen Adresse an wird
gebeten; Weitere Angaben finden Sie auch auf der SWEN Web Seite<> unter Events.
SWEN wünscht Ihnen allen eine Frohe Weihnachtszeit und einen Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!
Wir freuen uns Sie auch im Neuen bei unseren Vorträgen begrüssen zu dürfen.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Im Namen des SWEN Vorstands
Martin Kropp
SWEN - Software Engineering Network
PS. Sie dürfen dieses Mail auch gerne an Interessierte weiterleiten.
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Hochschule für Technik
Institut für Mobile und Verteilte Systeme
Prof. Martin Kropp
Dozent für Software Engineering
Steinackerstrasse 5, CH-5210 Windisch
T: +41 56 462 4735(direkt)<><>