The CHOOSE executive board and the Software Composition Group of the
University of Berne are pleased to invite you to a presentation.
When: Tuesday 24th of January, 2006, @17h15
Where: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universität Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hörsaal 001
Travel instructions:
Two or three things I have learned about model-driven development
Abstract: Model-driven development (MDD) of software applications is
currently gaining a lot of attention. On one hand, the OMG
(Object-Management Group) is undertaking a significant standardization
effort to promote the MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) initiative, a
body of
standards for model-driven development. On the other hand,
practitioners try
to understand what MDD is meaning for them and how this approach might
affect the software development processes. In both cases, early
reports are relevant to better understand how the MDD vision can be
into reality. In this talk we report on the experience gathered in
developing and using a model-driven CASE tool for Web information
Hopefully, lots of this experience can be generalized and applied to
kinds of model-driven developments. This talk will highlight the issues
encountered, detail their rationales and consequences and offer general
statements of direction widely applicable to model-driven
development, so
that this experience may be useful to any kind of MDD effort.
Pierre-Alain Muller is an associate professor of Computer Science at the
University of Mulhouse, France; he is currently spending two years with
INRIA in Rennes, France. His research interests include software
and model-driven engineering; he is leading the Kermeta meta-language
development, and coordinating the RNTL OpenEmbeDD project. Before
academia, he has been CEO of ObjeXion Software from 1999 to 2002 and
consultant with Rational Software from 1988 to 1993. He has authored
"Instant UML" in 1997 and founded the <<UML>> series of conferences
(with J.
Bezivin) in 1998.
This event is free even the drinks after the talk! Non-CHOOSE members
are encouraged to fill out the membership application form
( before attending the meeting. If you
want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which CHOOSE organises,
please visit
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