Einladung zum nächsten Vortrag:
Dienstag, 3. Februar 2004, 17.30 Uhr
in der Uni Engehalde, Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hörsaal 001 (1. UG)
Shriram Krishnamurthi
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Automated Modular Verification in Product-Line Systems
Feature-oriented programming organizes programs around features rather than
objects, thus supporting extensible, product-line architectures. Programming
languages increasingly support this style of programming, but programmers
get little support from verification tools.
Ideally, programmers should be able to verify features independently of each
other and use automated compositional reasoning techniques to infer
properties of a system from properties of its features. Unfortunately, most
modular model checking techniques do not support feature-oriented modules;
they betray their hardware roots by assuming that modules compose in
parallel. In contrast, feature-oriented modules compose sequentially in the
simplest case; most interesting feature-oriented designs are really
quasi-sequential compositions of parallel compositions. These designs
therefore demand and inspire new verification techniques.
This talk gives an overview of feature-oriented modules, our compositional
model checking methodology for them, and its application to real software
Shriram Krishnamurthi is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Brown
University. His research lies at the confluence of programming languages,
software engineering and computer-aided verification. His recent projects
have focused primarily on modular verification of product-line software, and
the semantics of Web interactions. He is a co-author of the DrScheme
programming environment, the FASTLINK genetic linkage analysis package, and
the book How to Design Programs (MIT Press, 2001). He has more recently
written Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation. He also
coordinates the TeachScheme! high school computer science outreach program.
Eine Veranstaltung des IAM mit Unterstützung von CHOOSE
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Sabine Gerber
Institut für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik
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