Dear Choose members,
We invite you to an exciting Choose SigBeer talk by Prof David Notkin
and hope that many of you will attend.
After the talk there will be an apéro for informal Q&A.
best wishes,
Harald Gall
Date: September 5, 2008, 14.00, University of Zurich,
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, OG 2, Room 2.A.01
Title: Software engineering research: just imagine if we didn't
ignore reality
Software is, of course, crucial to society, and thus we must continue
to improve our ability to effectively engineer software and software-
intensive systems. Software is also heavily criticized -- both
internally and externally -- for high costs, for high project failure
rates, for not improving at the rate of hardware, etc. But are these
and related criticisms indeed accurate -- even when backed by data --
and, even if they are, in what ways will they lead us towards our goal
of more effectively engineering software? Reframing questions like
these is the primary objective of the talk.
David Notkin has been on the faculty at the University of Washington
since 1984, now serving as Bradley Chair and Professor. He received
an Sc.B. from Brown University in 1977 and a Ph.D. from Carnegie-
Mellon University in 1984. He has advised nearly 20 Ph.D. students
and in 2000 received the University of Washington's Distinguished
Graduate Mentor award. He has served as chair of ACM SIGSOFT, program
chair/co-chair of the International Conference on Software Engineering
and of the 1st ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software
Engineering, and is currently editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions on
Software Engineering and Methodology. He has spent sabbaticals at
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Osaka University, IBM Haifa Research
Lab, and Lund University. Until now, he has only been in Zurich's
airport and train stations.
His homepage:
!!!!! Nicht verpassen !!!!! 2008 - Agile Software Entwicklung in der Praxis
3.-5.9., Gersau
Informieren Sie sich durch hochkarätige Experten/innen aus der Industrie und den Hochschulen
über Konzepte und Anwendung der Agilen Softwareentwicklung und wie
sie in die Praxis umgesetzt werden kann und diskutieren Sie mit ihnen diese und weitere
brennende Themen und Fragestellungen zum Software Engineering aus Ihrer Praxis.
Die internationalen Experten Ralph Johnson (Patterns), Kevlin Henney (Pattern-oriented Software
Architecture), Nicolai Josuttis (SOA), Jutta Eckstein (Agile Software Entwicklung im Grossen)
und Software Engineering Professoren der Schweizer Fachhochschulen informieren in Vorträgen
und Workshops über neueste Trends und Best Practices.
Geniessen Sie einen gemeinsamen Abend mit den Experten am "Talk-And-Dine"-Abend, an dem sich
alle Teilnehmer in ungezwungener Atmosphäre mit den anwesenden Keynote-Speakers und Professoren
untereinander austauschen können.
Weitere Details und die Anmeldung finden Sie auf der SWEN Homepage unter:
Prof. Martin Kropp
Präsident SWEN
Prof. Peter Sommerlad, Vizepräsident SWEN, Silvia Mazzoli, Sekretariat IFS Institut für Software,
HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Oberseestrasse 10, 8640 Rapperswil, Telefon 055 222 4630,
email: peter.sommerlad(a)