on Monday 26th of May at 11:00 I will defend my PhD.
The defense will take place in room 003 in the IWI building,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern.
After the defense, there will be an apero in the Cafeteria of the
building S14 (Schuetzenmattstrasse 14).
Everybody is invited to the defense and to the apero.
Marcus Denker
Software Composition Group
Universitaet Bern
TITLE: Sub-method Structural and Behavioral Reflection
Computational reflection is a fundamental mechanism in object oriented
Reflection has proved useful in many contexts, such as in the design
of development environments,
language extension, and the dynamic, unanticipated adaptation of
running systems.
We identify three problems with the current approach to reflection in
object oriented languages:
partial behavioral reflection needs to be anticipated, structural
reflection is limited to
the granularity of a method, and behavioral reflection cannot be
applied to the whole system.
To address these problems, we extend structural reflection to cover
sub-method elements
and present how sub-method structural reflection supports
unanticipated partial behavioral reflection.
We add the concept of context to represent meta-level execution and
show how this
allows behavioral reflection to be applied even to system classes.
We describe an implementation in Smalltalk. Benchmarks validate the
practicability of our approach.
In addition, we present an experimental evaluation in which we show
how the system is used for dynamic
analysis. We realize dynamic feature analysis by annotating the sub-
method structure of the system
directly to denote features instead of recording full execution traces.
Marcus Denker -- denker(a)iam.unibe.ch
*Sponsor Workshop-Tage 2008*
Hochschule Rapperswil <http://www.hsr.ch/>
Call for Papers /ch/open Workshop-Tage 2008, 9.-11. September
Die /ch/open Workshop-Tage werden schon seit 1991 mit Erfolg durchgeführt.
An 3 Tagen werden in 4 parallelen Tracks praxisnahe Workshops zu
aktuellen Themen aus den Bereichen Linux/Unix, Open Source, Java,
Software Entwicklung und Projekt-Management angeboten.
Die Workshop-Tage werden zusammen mit der JUGS (Java Users Group Schweiz
- <http://www.jugs.ch>) organisiert und vom 9. - 11. September 2008 an
der HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil stattfinden. Ermöglicht wird
dies durch die Abteilung Informatik, die uns die Räume sehr günstig zur
Verfügung stellt.
Interessierte Referenten können Workshop-Vorschläge bis am 4. Juli 2008
einreichen. Über die Aufnahme der Workshops in das diesjährige Programm
wird danach bis spätestens am 18. Juli entschieden.
Folgende 4 Tracks sind geplant:
1. Java
Beispiele von möglichen Themen:
* Enterprise Java, z.B. ESB, SOA, JEE (z.B. Glassfish)
* Java Micro Edition
* Web Frameworks
* Skriptsprachen, z.B. JRuby, Groovy, etc.
* JavaFX, SWT, Swing, etc.
2. Software Entwicklung und Tools
Beispiele von möglichen Themen:
* moderne Source Control Systeme (GIT, Mercurial)
* automatisierte Builds und Tests (Maven, CruiseControl, etc.)
* OpenSource Datenbanken (PostgeSQL 8.x, MySQL 5.x, etc.)
3. Linux und OSS Administration
Beispiele von möglichen Themen:
* Mobile Plattforms (Android, OpenMoko, etc.)
* Virtualisierung
* System-Tracing (DTrace, oprofile, etc.)
4. Diverses: Projektmanagement, Soft Skills
Beispiele von möglichen Themen:
* ECM, Collaboration, Groupware
* Agile Methoden (Scrum, etc.)
Call for Papers
Annahmeschluss: Freitag, 4. Juli 2008
Bitte benutzen Sie unser Online-Formular unter
<http://www.ch-open.ch/wstage/cfpform.php>, um Workshops anzumelden.
Besten Dank!
Workshop-Tage 2008
Ort: Hochschule Rapperswil
Zeit: 9., 10. und 11. September 2008
Dauer pro Workshop: œ oder 1 Tag (Ganztages Kurse bevorzugt)
Inhalt/Form: Gute Mischung zwischen Theorie, Praxis, Übungen, Diskussionen
Vortragssprachen: Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch
Honorar: 2'200.- / Ganztages-Workshop, 1'100.- / Halbtages-Workshop
An der HSR stehen leistungsfähige Rechner mit VMware Player
zur Verfügung.
Möglichst alle eingesetzte Software wird auf VMware-Images integriert,
so dass wir relativ wenig Administrationsarbeit auf den Systemen der HSR
leisten müssen. Dazu bieten wir technische Unterstützung. Die Kursleiter
sind also gebeten, ihre Bedürfnisse an auf Linux lauffähiger Software
frühzeitig anzumelden, so dass wir sie integrieren können.
Für Rückfragen steht Ihnen Joe Ammann gerne zur Verfügung (E-Mail:
workshoptage(a)ch-open.ch, Skype: jammann, Telefon: 044 404 1007)
Ich freue mich auf möglichst viele Workshop-Vorschläge!
Joe Ammann
Vorstandsmitglied /ch/open
Swiss Open Systems User Group Tel.: +41 44 350 26 56 (freitags)
/ch/open Fax: +41 44 350 26 55
Postfach 2322 E-mail: <mailto:info@ch-open.ch>
CH-8033 Zuerich WWW: <http://www.ch-open.ch>
Sekretariat Ursula Burri E-mail: <mailto:uburri@ch-open.ch>
/ch/open ist Mitglied von ICTswitzerland <http://www.ictswitzerland.ch/>
Open Systems for open minded people!
46th International Conference
Objects, Models, Components, Patterns
co-located with
*** International Conference on Model Transformation 2008 ***
*** Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore
and Outsourced Development 2008 ***
ETH Zurich, Switzerland 30 June-4 July 2008
Keynote Speakers
Michael Brodie (Verizon)
Krzysztof Czarnecki, ICMT keynote (University of Waterloo)
Erik Meijer (Microsoft)
John Mylopoulos (University of Toronto)
TOOLS 2008 is the 46th TOOLS conference. Started in 1989, TOOLS conferences,
held in Europe, the USA, Australia, and China have played a major role in
the development of object technology field; many of the seminal concepts
were first presented at TOOLS. After an interruption of four years, the
conference is now revived to reflect the maturing of the field and the new
challenges ahead.
TOOLS EUROPE 2008 will be devoted to the combination of technologies that
have emerged as a result of object technology becoming "mainstream". Like
its predecessors, TOOLS EUROPE 2008 combines an emphasis on quality with a
strong practical focus. It will include both scientific and experience
conference papers, workshops, tutorials, a poster session, and a venture
21 papers have been accepted after a rigorous selection process by the
international Program Committee, with an emphasis on originality,
practicality and overall quality. Topics addressed this year by selected
papers include model-driven engineering, aspect-orientation, component-based
languages, and language reflection.
In 2008, TOOLS EUROPE is co-located with several other events, including
SEAFOOD 2008, the International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT)
2008, the Web 2.0 Pattern Mining workshop, and several other workshops and
tutorials. Details of all co-located events can be found on the TOOLS web
Early registration: 23 May 2007 or earlier
Regular registration: 25 June 2007 or earlier
After the regular registration date, registration will be on site only. The
registration form can be found on the TOOLS website.
Venue and accommodation
The conference will take place in the main building of the ETH Zurich,
located in the centre of Zurich, close to the main station. Zurich is the
largest city in Switzerland, home to the country's largest airport with
numerous international connections, and is the country's main commercial and
industrial centre. ETH is one of Europe's premier universities in the fields
of Chemistry, Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science.
A list of suggested hotels can be found on the TOOLS website. Because of the
European football championship taking place in June, we strongly suggest
that you book your hotel as soon as possible!
Conference chair: Bertrand Meyer
Program chair: Richard Paige
Publicity chairs: Laurence Tratt, Philippe Lahire
Workshop chairs: Stephane Ducasse, Alexandre Bergel
Tutorial Chairs: Manuel Oriol, Phil Brooke
Program committee
Patrick Albert, Uwe Assmann, Balbir Barn, Mike Barnett, Claude Baudoin,
Bernhard Beckert, Jean Bezivin, Jean-Pierre Briot, Phil Brooke, Dave Clarke,
Marsha Chechik, Bernard Coulette, Jin Song Dong, Gregor Engels, Patrick
Eugster, Jose Fiadeiro, Judit Nyekyne Gaizler, Benoit Garbinato, Carlo
Ghezzi, Martin Glinz, Martin Gogolla, Jeff Gray, Pedro Guerreiro, Alan
Hartman, Valerie Issarny, Gerti Kappel, Joseph Kiniry, Ivan Kurtev, Philippe
Lahire, Ralf Laemmel, Mingshu Li, Tiziana Margaria, Erik Meijer, Peter
Mueller, David Naumann, Oscar Nierstrasz, Manuel Oriol, Jonathan Ostroff,
Alfonso Pierantonio, Awais Rashid, Nicolas Rouquette, Anthony Savidis, Doug
Schmidt, Bran Selic, Jim Steel, Dave Thomas, Laurence Tratt, T.H. Tse,
Antonio Vallecillo, Amiram Yehudai, Andreas Zeller.