WOOR 2007
Call for Contributions
Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering
10th Anniversary Edition
30th of July 2007, Berlin, Germany
Hosted at the 21th European Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2007)
30th of July-3 of August 2007, Berlin, Germany
Important Dates
Workshop contribution submission: 13th of May 2007.
Notification of acceptance: 31st of May 2007.
Publication of the program: 15th of June 2007
Workshop date: 30th of July 2007.
Contributions: Building on Previous Years
The very first WOOR workshop was organized in 1997 in conjunction
with the ESEC/FSE'97 Conference in Zurich, Switzerland. During these
past 10 years, participants to the workshop have been actively
contributing to the state-of-the-art on reengineering
ofobject-oriented systems. In this special 10th anniversary edition,
we want to continue in that tradition. We explicitly solicit
position papers that reflect on the past 10 years and--or build a
vision of what the future 10 years might bring. Therefore, we
welcome contributions from researchers, tool producers, and
methodology providers in addition to position papers on the past and
next 10 years of OO reengineering:
Areas of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Overview papers, reflecting on the history of OO reengineering
- Vision papers, predicting what the next 10 years might bring
- Experiences on re-engineering large object-oriented systems
- Migration towards aspect orientation
- Design model extraction
- Documentation and re-use of object-oriented systems
- Analysis of object-oriented systems re-usability and flexibility
- Abstract models of object-oriented systems
- Refactoring Operations
- Software Evolution
- Metrics or heuristics to measure the need improvement
- Design patterns in reengineering practices
- Tools supporting all of the above activities.
- Software evolution analysis and visualization
Schedule of the Workshop
As is tradition in WOOR, we actively seek a format which emphasizes
fruitful interactions and discussions. This typically involves brief
(5 minutes) presentations of position papers; break-up sessions in
discussion groups, and plenary meetings to discuss results.
Sometimes we ask participants to present and summarize someone
else's position paper, a very way pleasant to stimulate discussions.
Intended Audience
The workshop is intended to software engineering professionals with
experience in object-oriented reengineering; either people who are
actively engaged in reengineering projects or people who develop or
research methodologies and tools. Each participant is requested to
submit a position paper in advance and each participant is supposed
to read all the submitted material, so that the workshop itself can
be devoted to discussion instead of presentations. Submissions will
be made electronically to facilitate the rapid exchange of
The upper limit for the number of participants is 25 and the
participants will be selected on the basis of the submitted
Submission Guidelines
BE ELECTRONIC. Submit your position paper in PDF, so that we can
collect all of the submissions on the web-site. A separate abstract
including the e-mail addresses of the authors and a URL to their
home pages MUST be submitted in HTML. Submit everything by e-mail to
both of the two following e-mail addresses guehene(a)iro.umontreal.ca
and roel.wuyts(a)imec.be.
BE SHORT. Propose only one idea. We all know that you are a quality
researcher with plenty of good ideas. Only, we have limited
resources and we must focus. Please keep all position papers under
five pages. Perhaps a workshop reader will be organized again this
BE INNOVATIVE. It is okay to propose a recent idea that still has
some unfinished sides to it. It is supposed to be a WORKshop, not a
BE A REBEL. Neglect these guidelines if you feel that your idea
needs a special treatment in some way.
Publication and Sponsoring
Springer will publish a workshop reader (as in the case of previous
ECOOP) that will appear after the workshop and that will contain
workshop reports (written by the organizers), not the position
papers submitted by the participants. The organizers plan to publish
the position papers in a technical report at University of Montreal.
This event is partly sponsored by the Belgian Science Policy
(BELSPO), the Région Wallone, the Interuniversity Attraction Poles
Programme via the MoVES (Modelling, Verification and Evolution of
Software) research project, and the Fonds de la Recherche
Fondamentale Collective via the Research Center on Structural
Software Improvement.
About the Organizers
Serge Demeyer
University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Prof. Serge Demeyer is leading a research group investigating
"Software Reengineering" (LORE - Lab On REengineering).
Stéphane Ducasse
University of Savoie (France)
Prof. Stéphane Ducasse, from the University of Savoie, is a former
member of the Software Composition Group led by Prof. Oscar
Nierstrasz at University of Bern (Switzerland).
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc
University of Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
Department of Informatics and Operations Research
Prof. Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc leads the Ptidej project (in research
Group on Open, Distributed Systems, Experimental Software
Engineering) developing theories, methods, and tools, to evaluate
and to improve the quality of object-oriented programs by promoting
the use of idioms, design patterns, and architectural patterns.
Kim Mens
Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
Department of Computing Science and Engineering
Prof. Kim Mens is one of the originators of the 'reuse contract'
technique and of the work on 'intensional views'. He is the
spokesperson of the Research Center on Structural Software
Improvement and currently conducts research on 'co-evolution'
between source code and earlier life-cycle software artifacts, as
well as on aspect identification and program transformation.
Roel Wuyts
IMEC, Belgium (Belgium)
and Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
Prof. Roel Wuyts is Senior Software Engineer at the IMEC Research
Centre and former professor of the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
His research interests include software evolution and code
restructuring, for which he (co-)developed various tools and
techniques such as the SOUL language.
Harald Gall
University of Zurich (Switzerland)
Department of Informatics
Prof. Harald Gall's interests are in software engineering with focus
on software evolution, software architectures, reengineering,
program families, and distributed and mobile software engineering
BAT & CHOOSE Architekturforum
Freitag, 23. März 2007
08.30 - 17.00 Uhr, inkl. Stehlunch und Pausen
Hotel Allegro Kursaal, Bern
Raum: Bella Vista
Themencluster: MDA / MDSD
* Zühlke Engineering, Ulrich Brawand:
"MDSD mit Open Source Tools - eine schrittweise Einführung"
* SoftMetaWare, Jorn Bettin:
"Transitioning to Model Driven Software Development:
Preparing for the Paradigm Shift"
* PostFinance, Andreas Spichiger:
"Erarbeitung und Einsatz des UML-Frameworks bei PostFinance"
* Die Mobiliar, Andreas Dietzsch, Steffen Greiffenberg:
"König Fachprozess - Nutzerorientierte Fachprozessmodellierung"
* RTC AG, Andreas Grütter:
"FRAGen (Full RTC Application Generator)"
Das Programmheft als PDF ist verfügbar unter:
Generelle Informationen zur Veranstaltung
Die sechste Austragung des Berner Architekten Treffens kann durch die
Unterstützung und die Zusammenarbeit mit CHOOSE, der Fachgruppe für
Objektorientierte Systeme und Umgebungen der Schweizer Informatik
in Form eines ganztägigen Forums durchgeführt werden.
Das BAT & CHOOSE Architekturforum präsentiert zum Themencluster MDA / MDSD
ein breites Spektrum an Beiträgen zu modellgetriebenen Entwicklungsansätzen
sowohl aus der aktuellen Forschung als auch aus der Praxis und bietet die
Gelegenheit zum intensiven Ideen- und Erfahrungsaustausch. Getreu unseren
bewährten Prinzipien führen wir dieses Forum als kostenlose Veranstaltung
durch. Dies wird durch die freundliche Unterstützung von
sowie der Firmen indato GmbH, Die Mobiliar, PostFinance und RTC
Real-Time Center
AG ermöglicht.
Durch die räumlichen Verhältnisse und den Charakter der Veranstaltung
sind wir
gezwungen, die Teilnehmerzahl auf 120 Personen zu begrenzen.
Anmeldungen bitte bis 16. März. 2007 über unsere Online Anmeldung:
Wir freuen uns auf anregende Diskussionen und interessante Begegnungen.
Daniel Kühni
Mitglied des Organisationskomittees
-The paper submission deadline has been extended to March 18, 2007
The First IEEE International Workshop on
Software Patterns: Addressing Challenges
***SPAC 2007***
Call for Papers
Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2007
(in conjunction with COMPSAC 2007)
http://conferences.computer.org/compsac/2007/ (COMPSAC 2007 Link)
http://conferences.computer.org/compsac/2007/workshops/SPAC (Workshop Link-1)
http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/~fayad/workshops/COMPSAC07 (Workshop Link-2)
http://www.vrlsoft.com/workshops/SPAC07 (WorkshopLink-3)
As software increases in size and becomes more complex and costly, the need for
techniques to ease software development is likewise increasing. Over the last
decade, pattern community has evolved and received more interest in both
academia and industry. Developing software using patterns holds the promise to
reduce the cost and condensing the time of developing software systems, while
simultaneously maintaining the quality of these systems.
However, the potential of using patterns in developing systems is not fully
realized and we need to address many challenges. For example, developing pattern
repositories and catalogs, from which patterns can be retrieved and reused,
still forms a challenge to software engineering, knowledge engineering and
information systems communities. In addition, the need for (semi-) automated
approaches for patterns mining and integration poses several open research
questions to the software engineering community. Many think these challenges
and others preclude the realization of the benefit of patterns as a reuse
approach. This workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners
who are interested in resolving research challenges or who have practical
experience with the different issues of patterns reuse and integration to
discuss and advance the state-of-the-art and the state-of-the-practice in
patterns reuse.
Patterns have emerged as a promising reuse technique for both improving the
quality and reducing the cost and time of software development. However, there
is an immense belief that patterns have not fulfilled the expectations software
developers wanted. Nevertheless, this belief does not rebuff the fact that
patterns, as a concept, have the potential to play a key role in developing
systems in the near future. This near future will never come unless there are
serious attempts from both developers and researchers to investigate and provide
creative solutions to current challenges that hinder utilizing patterns in
practice. Among these challenges, this workshop focuses on investigating how to
develop systems using patterns. We are sure that this topic will attract many
developers and researchers in the field to participate in this workshop.
The workshop will address software patterns challenges and debate several issues
related to the following questions. We want researchers, framework developers,
and application developers to discuss and debate the following questions related
I. Pattern Creation and Development
a. Leaving experience claim on the side, can you show how to create and
develop patterns?
b. What are the bases of creating patterns?
c. Are there guidelines, methodologies, and/or processes for pattern
creations and developments?
d. Would you show an example or two?
II. Patterns Selection Process:
a. How does one select analysis and design patterns to build any system?
b. What is the basis for selecting these patterns?
c. If someone would like to build a system from patterns, how does she
select patterns?
d. What kind of patterns should one select to build a system from
e. Is there a guideline for the selection process?
III. Patterns Composition
a. How does one integrate the selected patterns to build any system? or
How does one compose any system from patterns?
b. What are the various claims related to patterns composition? Are they
c. Are there guidelines or techniques for patterns composition? Would you
illustrate how to use them?
IV. System of Patterns and General Reuse
a. What do we mean when we say "systems of patterns"?
b. Are the various claims related to building any system from patterns
c. How to develop pattern repositories and catalogs, from which patterns
can be retrieved and reused?
d. Are there automated approaches for patterns mining and integration?
e. What other concepts will help build any system from patterns?
V. Impacts
a. What is the impact of software stability on the above issues?
Check any of the following websites for all columns and accepted position
http://conferences.computer.org/compsac/2007/workshops/SPAC (Main Link)
www.engr.sjsu.edu/~fayad//workshops/COMPSAC07 (Workshop Link 2)
www.vrlsoft.com/workshops/SPAC07 (Workshop Link 3 -- Under Construction)
Detailed instructions for electronic paper submission and review process can be
found at http://www.compsac.org/. People interested in participating in the
workshop are requested to submit a short position paper (3-5 pages) or regular
workshop paper (limited to 6 pages, double spaced, including figures)
representing views and experiences relevant to the discussion topic. The title
page should include a maximum 150-word abstract, five keywords, full mailing
address, e-mail address, phone number, fax number, and a designated contact
author. Papers will be selected depending on the originality, quality and
relevance to the workshop. All submitted papers will be evaluated according to
its originality, significance, correctness, presentation and relevance. Papers
should be submitted electronically at:
http://compsac.cs.iastate.edu/2007/SPAC/ . Please follow the instructions given
by the web page. Camera Ready manuscripts must be submitted following IEEE
conference proceedings style and guidelines. We encourage authors to present
novel ideas, critique of existing work, and practical studies.
Each accepted paper must be presented in person by the author or one of the
authors. To foster lively discussions, each author is encouraged to present
open questions and one or two main statements that will be discussed at the
workshop. Submissions must be either MS-Word or RTF formats (please, DO NOT
compress files).
Depending on the number and spread of contributions, the scope may be narrowed
to ensure effective communication and information sharing. Accepted position
papers will be distributed to the participants before the workshop and made
generally available through the WWW and FTP. Accepted papers will be published
in the Workshop Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Computer Software and Applications
Conference (COMPSAC 2007). At least one of the authors of each accepted paper
must register as a full participant in the workshop to have the paper published
in the COMPSAC 2007 Proceedings. The workshop selected best papers will be
published in online Journal of International Journal Of Patterns (IJOP) –
Interested in participating in the workshop without submission are requested to
fill out the participation form and e-mail to the co-chair Haitham Hamza
<hshamza(a)gmail.com>, Eduardo Segura <esegura(a)vrlsoft.com>, or to the workshop
chair M.E. Fayad <m.fayad(a)sjsu.edu>.
Name and Affiliation:
Areas of interest:
Why would you like to participate?
Please note that registration is required in order to participate in the
workshop. An early registration discount is available. An overhead projector
and a flipchart will be available.
For more information please visit any of the following websites:
http://conferences.computer.org/compsac/2007/workshops/SPAC (Main Link)
www.engr.sjsu.edu/~fayad//workshops/COMPSAC07 (Workshop Link 2)
www.vrlsoft.com/workshops/SPAC07 (Workshop Link 3 -- Under Construction)
You may also contact the organizers.
1. Welcome and introduction of participants. The organizers will first give a
short overview of any open issues and of the main arguments arising out of the
position papers. (Estimated time: 20-30 minutes)
2. Selected authors (representing the main trends) will be given 20 minutes to
explain how their position relates to other positions and what each sees as the
three major issues. We expect about 5-10 position papers. (Estimated time:
120-130 minutes)
3. The organizers will propose an identification of the major issues, and the
participants will then discuss and select what they think are the hottest
issues to be examined. (Estimated time: 10-15 minutes)
4. The participants will work for 70-95 minutes in small groups, with a
designated moderator in each group. The groups will each deal with two different
hot issues identified and will produce a summary in the form of points and
counterpoints, showing either how several views are irreducibly opposed or how
they are complementary.
The number of groups will depend on the number of participants and number of
issues selected; ideally there should be 3-5 p people in each group. (Estimated
time: 60-70 minutes)
5. Each group will be given 10-15 minutes to present its findings to the
workshop. A closing discussion will follow. The workshop report will be
written on the basis of these findings and will include an agenda for future
exploration and cooperation; it will
be made available through the WWW and FTP. (Estimated time: 50-60 minutes for
five teams)
(Total estimated time: 285-315 minutes, i.e. about five hours +/- 15 minutes;
lunch and breaks are not included.)
We will be updated based on acceptance process
Mar. 18, 2007: Full paper and short paper due
Mar. 25, 2007: Decision notification (electronic)
Apr. 30, 2007: Camera-ready copy and author registration due
July 24-27, 2007: The workshop Date
Chair and Point of Contact:
Dr. M.E. Fayad
Professor of Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering Dept., College of Engineering
San José State University
One Washington Square, San José, CA 95192-0180
Ph: (408) 924-7364, Fax: (408) 924-4153
E-mail: m.fayad(a)sjsu.edu, me fayad(a)gmail.com
Dr. H.S. Hamza (Co-Chair)
Faculty of Computers and Informatics,
Information Technology Department
Cairo University, Orman, Giza 12613 - Egypt
Ph: (02) 335-8355 (office)
E-mail: hshamza(a)gmail.com
Eduardo M. Segura
vrlSoft, Inc.
2065 Martin Ave., Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95050-2707
Phone/Fax: (408) 654-8972
E-mail: esegura(a)vrlsoft.com, eduardo.segura(a)sjsu.edu
Leonor Barroca OpenUniversity, England
Sjaak Brinkkemper UtrechtUniversity, theNetherlands
Chia-Chu Chiang UniversityofArkansasatLittleRock, USA
Rogerio Atem de Carvalho CEFETCampos, Brazil
Andrea D'Ambrogio UniversityofRomaTorVergata, Italy
Issam Wajih Damaj DhofarUniversity, Salalah-SultanateofOman
Khalil DRIRA LAAS-CNRS, France
Islam A. M. El-Maddah AinShamsUniversity, Egypt
M.E. Fayad SanJoseStateUniversity&vrlSoft, Inc., USA
Joao M. Fernandes UniversidadedoMinho, Portugal
IanGraham TriremeInternationalLtd, London, England
Jiang Guo CaliforniaStateUniversityLosAngeles, USA
Wilhelm Hasselbring UniversityofOldenburg, Germany
Tarek Helmy KingFahdUniv.ofPetroleumandMinerals, SaudiArabia
H.S. Hamza CairoUniversity, Egypt
Pilar Herrero UniversidadPolitécnicadeMadrid, Spain.
Hoda Hosny AmericanUniversityinCairo, Egypt
Pao-Ann Hsiung NationalChungChengUniversity, Chiayi, TAIWAN
Ali Jaoua UniversityofQatar, Qatar
Mohamed-Khireddine KHOLLADI UniversityofConstantine, France
Dae-Kyoo Kim OaklandUniversity, MI, USA
Seok-Won Lee TheUniversityofNorthCarolinaatCharlotte, USA
Jeff Lei UniversityofTexasatArlington, USA
Ricardo J. Machado UniversidadedoMinho, Portugal
Ahmed Mahdy TexasA&MUniversity-CorpusChristi, USA
Michael Oudshoorn MontanaStateUniversity, MT, USA
Srini Ramaswamy UniversityofArkansasatLittleRock, USA
Gustavo Rossi LIFIA, FacultaddeInformatica, UNLP, Argentina
Stuart Rubin SPAWAR, SSC-SanDiego, USA
Kannamma Sampath CoimbatoreInstituteofTechnology, India
Sanchez, Arturo UniversityofNorthFlorida, USA
Kassem A. Saleh AmericanUniversityofSharjah, UAE
Arno Schmidmeier AspectSoft, Hersbruck, Germany
E.M. Segura SanJoseStateUniversity&vrlSoft, Inc., USA
Manolis Tzagarakis ResearchAcademicTechnologyInstitute(RACTI), Greece
Laurence T. Yang StFrancisXavierUniversity, Canada
I-Ling Yen UniversityofTexasatDallas, USA