5. Berner Architekten Treffen
Freitag, 17. November 2006
16:00 - ca. 18:30, anschl. Apéro
Hotel Allegro Kursaal, Bern
Raum: Bella Vista
Thema: SAP Integration / Strategie
* Informatikstrategieorgan Bund ISB, Richard Schären:
"Enterprise Resource Planning in der Bundesverwaltung -
Gestern, Heute und Morgen"
* BKW FMB Energie AG, Dr. Thomas Wettstein, Christian Hürlimann:
"Chancen und Grenzen der SAP Plattform-Strategie
der BKW FMB Energie AG"
* RTC AG, Guido Steiner:
"SAP ein Bestandteil von IBIS?"
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Das Berner Architekten Treffen ist eine Begegnungsplattform für an
Architekturfragen interessierte Informatikfachleute. Durch Fachvorträge
aus der Praxis und Gelegenheiten zur vertieften Diskussion von aktuellen
Problemstellungen sowie zu direkten Kontakten zwischen Firmen
unterschiedlicher Branchen bietet das Berner Architekten Treffen eine
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Unter dem Patronat der IAM Alumni und mit freundlicher Unterstuetzung
der Firmen indato GmbH, Die Mobiliar, PostFinance und
RTC Real-Time Center AG.
Hello everyone,
on Monday 13th of November at 10:00 I will defend my Ph. D. thesis
entitled "Modeling Examples to Test and Understand Software".
The defense will take place in room 003 in the IWI building on
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern. Please find the abstract below.
After the defense, there will be an apero in the Cafeteria of the
building S14 on Schutzenmattstrasse 14.
Everybody is cordially invited to the defense and to the apero.
With best regards
Markus Gaelli
Software Composition Group
Universitaet Bern
One of the oldest techniques to explain abstract concepts is to provide
concrete examples. By explaining an abstract concept with a concrete
example people make sure that the concept is understood and remembered.
Examples in software can be used both to test the software and to
illustrate its functionality. Object-oriented programs are built around
the concepts of classes, methods and variables, where methods are the
atoms of the functionality. But the meta-models of object-oriented
languages do not allow developers to associate runnable and composable
examples with these concepts and particularly not with methods.
Unit tests on the other hand, assure the quality of the units under test
and document them. Not being integrated into the language, unit tests are
not linked explicitly to their units under test which makes it
unnecessarily difficult to use them for documenting, typing and debugging
software. In addition they are not composable making it hard to develop
higher level test scenarios in parallel with higher level objects.
In this thesis we analyze unit tests to learn about implicit dependencies
among tests and from tests to the methods under test.
We develop a technique to partially order unit tests in terms of their
covered methods, which reveals possible redundancies due to the lack of
composability. We show how partial orders can be used to debug and to
comprehend software.
We then develop a taxonomy based on several case studies revealing that a
high fraction of unit tests already implicitly focuses on single methods.
We show that the rest of the tests can be decomposed into commands
focusing on single methods.
We build a meta-model based on our findings of analyzing test
interdependencies which establishes how tests can be explicitly linked to
their method under test and how they can be composed to form higher-level
test scenarios.
We explain how the problems of missing links between tests and units under
test are solved using our meta-model. Furthermore, we implemented the
meta-model and a first user interface on top of it to give first evidence
of how our model supports the developer.
The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Nicolas Gold (King's College London) on
'Understanding programs with concept assignment and related technologies'.
This event is free.
Non-CHOOSE members are encouraged to fill out the membership
application form ( before attending the
meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which
CHOOSE organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
Understanding programs with concept assignment and related technologies
Nov 9, 2006
HEG - Haute école de gestion
Univ. of Applied Sciences
Campus Battelle, Building F.
7, rte de Drize
1227 Geneva
Room C210
Travel instructions:
Dr Nicolas Gold
King's College London
17h15 Talk and Q/A
Program understanding has long been recognised as a necessary but difficult
part of the software maintenance process. Concept assignment approaches aim
to aid this task by linking domain-level information (concepts) to parts of
source code. Although concept assignment was originally proposed to aid comprehension,
recent work has extended it to enable executable component extraction on
the basis of concept-level criteria. This talk will present an overview of
this recent work (undertaken in the CONTRACTS research project) describing
algorithms developed for component extraction, experiments with new
methods to improve concept assignment, and studies of program characteristics
that help to explain the behaviour of techniques that rely on program
dependence information.
Dr Gold is a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at King's College London,
deputy director of the Centre for Research in Evolution, Search and Testing (CREST) and
director of the Service-Oriented Software Research Network (SOSoRNet).
He received his Ph.D. from the University of Durham in 2000 and his primary research interests
are in software evolution using reverse engineering and service-oriented computing.
His work in reverse engineering has produced methods for concept assignment and component extraction,
and he has worked on architectures, negotiation methods, and comprehension approaches for
service-oriented software.
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Software Entwicklung für Mobile Systeme bildet das Schwerpunktthema auf der 9. Konferenz "Distributed Software Systems" der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW. Informieren Sie sich umfassend, wie Sie den besonderen Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung von mobilen Softwaresystemen begegnen und diese meistern können. Kompetente Referenten aus der Wissenschaft und der Industrie stellen die neuesten Trends und Technologien zur Entwicklung von mobilen Anwendungen vor und informieren in Erfahrungsberichten über Best Practices bei der Entwicklung von solchen Systemen.
Sie finden alle Informationen zur Tagung und eine online Anmeldungsmöglichkeit auf unserer Webseite <>
Wir würden uns freuen, Sie, interessierte Mitarbeitende Ihrer Firma und andere Kollegen am 18. Oktober 2006 an der FHNW, Hochschule für Technik, in Windisch begrüssen zu dürfen.
Freundliche Grüsse
Claude Rubattel
Hochschule für Technik FHNW