Call for Participation - CHOOSE Forum - Bern - April 11 - Tools for
Managing Software Complexity
On-line registration and a preliminary program for this event are now
available on the CHOOSE web site:
Topic: State of the Art in Tools for Managing Software Complexity
Date: Monday April 11. Full day
Location: Allegro Grand Casino Kursaal Bern
NB: The CHOOSE General Assembly and Elections to the Executive Board
will be held at the start of the lunch break.
Modern software systems are increasingly large, complex, heterogeneous
and open. Developers and maintainers are increasingly turning towards
advanced tools and environments to help them manage this complexity.
But what do these tools offer? What is the state-of-the-art in such
tools? And do they really help developers with the problems they are
facing today?
This CHOOSE Forum will offer a series of presentations of
state-of-the-art tools for managing, maintaining, analyzing and
reengineering complex software systems. The day will conclude with a
session in which developers in charge of complex software systems will
have the opportunity to assess and evaluate the state-of-the-art.
The day also includes the CHOOSE General Assembly, including reports
from the President and the Treasurer, and elections for the CHOOSE
Executive Board.
Preliminary Schedule
8.15 - 9.00 Registration and Coffee
9.00 - 09:15 Oscar Nierstrasz, CHOOSE President
Michele Lanza, CHOOSE Forum Program Chair
9:15 - 10.00 Erich Gamma, IBM Research, Switzerland
"Eclipse - built to last"
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee Break
10:00 - 10.30 Prof. Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria, Canada
"Creole - On-demand visualization to support program
10:30 - 11:00 Thomas Zimmermann, Saarland University, Germany
"eRose - Guiding programmers in Eclipse"
11:30 - 12:00 Tudor Gîrba, University of Bern, Switzerland
"Moose - An extensible and collaborative Reengineering
12:00 - 13.30 CHOOSE General Assembly
Buffet Lunch
Open Space Demonstrations
13:30 -14:00 Prof. Radu Marinescu, TU Timisoara, Romania
"iPlasma - An Integrated Platform for Quality Assessment
of Object-Oriented Design"
14:00 - 14:30 Prof. Rainer Koschke, University of Bremen, Germany
"Bauhaus: Architecture-Centric Software Development and
14:30 - 15:00 Dr. Walter Bischofsberger, Software Tomography,
"Sotograph - Easing Complexity with Structure, Evolution
and Quality Analyses"
15:00 - 15:30 Georgios Koutsoukos, ATX Software, Portugal
"L-CARE: A Legacy Reengineering Environment"
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
Open Space Demonstrations
16:00 - 17:15 Panel
Evaluating Tools for Managing Software Complexity
- Present and Future
Agenda for the CHOOSE General Assembly
Please note that the General Assembly will be held during the CHOOSE
Forum. All CHOOSE members are kindly invited to participate.
1. President's report. Activities since the last General Assembly.
2. Treasurer's report for 2004.
3. Elections to the CHOOSE Executive Board.
4. Miscellaneous.
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Dear CHOOSE members,
Please note the event July 1 in Zurich.
Oscar Nierstrasz
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
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Sie hatten vormals Kontakt mit der Firma LogOn, Frankfurt, die zum
Ende 2004 ihre Geschäftstätigkeit einstellte. Ein wichtiger Partner,
die OMG (Object Management Group) mit den Themen zum Software
Engineering und zu Business Processes (UML, MDA, BPM) orientierte sich
neu und entschied sich für SIGS-DATACOM:
"The OMG is very motivated to work with SIGS-DATACOM as a partner in
Germany, Switzerland, Austria and England, and The Netherlands", sagt
Richard Mark Soley, OMG Chairman.
Wir laden Sie herzlich zum ersten gemeinsamen Auftritt ein:
nehmen Sie teil am Relaunch der NEUEN
OMG Information Days 2005
Keynote plus 8 Fachvorträge
_ 1. Juni in Zürich,
_ 6. Juni in München,
_ 9. Juni in Frankfurt,
und beteiligen Sie sich am Expertengespräch mit kontroverser
Diskussion zum Thema:
MDA Praxis - Von der Technologie zur Anwendung
Registrieren Sie sich noch heute! Für nur EUR 298,- pro Konferenztag.
Für Mitglieder der OMG und Angehöriger der Mitgliedsfirmen gilt ein
Vorteilspreis von EUR 268,-.
_ Andrew Watson, CTO und
_ Richard Soley, CEO der OMG
plus 8 Fachvorträge, z.T. international:
_ Douglas Schmidt
_ Richard Hubert
_ Christoph Bröcker
_ Markus Voelter
_ Andrea Hemprich
_ Georg Rackl
_ Ivo Totev
und weitere Experten sprechen zu Ihnen!
Ich freue mich, Sie in Zürich, München oder Frankfurt begrüßen zu
können und Sie mit Richard M. Soley von der OMG ins Gespräch zu
bringen, über Fragen der Software Standardisierung.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Frank Dietrich
Leiter Vertrieb und Marketing
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
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Hi all
The SSUG Smalltalk User Group is proud to announce that it launches a
sponsorship program
for two students to participate to ESUG 2005
Each student will get 500 CHF for participating to ESUG'2005.
13th International Smalltalk Conference
Saturday 13 august to saturday 20 august
Interested student should send an email to ssug(a) with a
small bio, their motivation.
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
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To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see: