just a small email to let know that next tuesday there will a
presentation of Seaside at the CUI (Geneve)
CUI -> Seminars | Séminaires
Centre Universitaire d'Informatique
Mardi 23.11.2004
Seaside - Building Complex Web Applications Simply
par Lukas Renggli
netstyle.ch GmbH
salle 259 à 16h30
It would be hard to imagine a worse model for user interface
development than HTTP. Would you use a GUI framework where every event
from every widget in your application was handed to you at once,
periodically, as a large hashtable full of strings? Where every time a
single piece of data changed you had to regenerate a textual
description of the entire interface? Where the event-based architecture
was so strict that you couldn't ever, under any circumstances, open a
modal dialog box and wait for it to return an answer? Those are the
costs of using the web browser as a client platform, and, by and large,
we accept them. The dominant paradigms of web development -- CGI,
Servlets, Server Pages -- do very little to hide or circumvent the low
level realities of HTTP, and as a result, web applications are fragile,
verbose, and ill-suited to reuse.
Seaside (http://beta4.com/seaside2) solves these problems. Seaside is
a framework for developing sophisticated web applications. In this talk
I will present some of its unique features, such as its approach to
session management: unlike servlet models that require a separate
handler for each page or request, Seaside models an entire user session
as a continuous piece of code, with natural, linear control flow.
Furthermore I will create a small web-application as a demo together
with the audience and present a complex production web-site that has
been built using Seaside.
Lukas Renggli (netstyle.ch) is specialist in the development of web
applications and content management systems. He is expert in Zope, PHP
and web solutions, the designer of SmallWiki, a content management
application entirely based on objects. Lukas Renggli is working for
netstyle.ch, where he is currently building web-applications in the
business domain for insurances and print-shops. Lukas Renggli has given
talks about Seaside at ESUG 2002, ESUG 2003 and for CHOOSE.
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The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Tudor Girba on 'Moose: a Collaborative and Extensible Reengineering
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after the
talk! Non-CHOOSE members are encouraged to fill out the membership
application form (http://www.s-i.ch/si-appl.html) before attending the
meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which
CHOOSE organises, please visit http://www.choose.s-i.ch/.
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
25 November 2004 at 17h30
Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001, Travel instructions:
Moose: a Collaborative and Extensible Reengineering Environment
Speaker: Tudor Girba
Abstract: Software systems are complex and difficult to analyze.
Reverse engineering is a complex analysis that usually involves
combining different techniques and tools. Moreover, oftentimes the
existing tools are not perfectly suitable for the task, and
customization of existing tools, or development of new tools is
required. Moose is an extensible reengineering environment designed to
provide the necessary infrastructure for tool integration. Moose
centers on a language independent meta-model, and offers services like
grouping, querying, navigation, and advanced tool integration
mechanism. Different tools have been developed on top of Moose to
- Visualization
- Evolution Analysis
- Dynamic Information Analysis
- ...
During this talk, Tudor Girba will present how Moose can be used to
help you analysis a large application and its evolution over time.
Bio: Tudor Girba is a PhD researcher at the SCG from the University of
Berne. He is world expert in meta-model and evolution analysis. He is
one of the developer of MOOSE and VAN. He acted as consultant in
several occasions and acted as a technical manager and main lead
developer before joining the SCG.
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choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
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Esug-list mailing list
choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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Dear CHOOSE-news members,
Although this is a commercial event, it follows up on a CHOOSE SIG Beer on Tuesday Nov 16, so might be of interest. See http://www.glue.ch/%7Emetz/choose/index.html
Oscar Nierstrasz
Hi all,
I'm going to be in Bern speaking at the university there in
mid-November. Given enough interest, I've been discussing offering a
full day Seaside tutorial while I'm there, jointly with Lukas Renggli
and Adrian Lienhard from netstyle.ch. It would be held at netstyle's
offices in Bern, probably from about 10am to 6pm on November 17th. If
you think you'd be interested in attending, please email me soon
(avi(a)beta4.com) and let me know. Make sure to mention what your
experience level with Seaside is, and what topics (if any) you'd be
especially interested in covering, so that we can gear the content of
the tutorial towards the attendees.
The tutorial fee would be 300 EUR per person, to a maximum of 10
people. If we get enough interest to go forward, we'll let you know
next week. Also, if you'd like to attend something like this but can't
make it to Bern, feel free to drop me a note, and maybe we can organize
something elsewhere.
Lukas Renggli
netstyle.ch GmbH, Dählhölzliweg 18, CH-3005 Bern
Phone: +41 31 356 42 56 Fax: +41 31 356 42 57
http://www.netstyle.ch mailto:info@netstyle.ch
choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch
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To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see: http://www.choose.s-i.ch/