The CHOOSE executive board and the Software Composition Group of the
University of Berne are pleased to invite you to a presentation.
Mobiler Hürdenlauf - Herausforderungen mit J2ME und mobiler Datenkommunikation
When: Tuesday 9th November 2004 @17h15
Where: Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
Travel instructions:
Roland Loser, Glue Software Engineering AG, Bern
17h15 - 18h15 Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Anwendungen mit der Mobile Java Technologie (J2ME) für die Mobiltelefone
ermöglichen - nebst den heute bekannten Java Games - zusammen mit der
Datenkommunikation auch nützliche Innovationen. Solche mobilen
Anwendungen müssen dem Benutzer jedoch gegenüber den Alternativen SMS,
WAP und MMS auch einen attraktiven Mehrwert bieten, damit sie breite
Akzeptanz finden. Zudem stellen sich dem Entwickler heute noch einige
versteckte Herausforderungen in Bezug auf eine heterogene Umgebung. Die
Installation der mobilen Anwendung sollte auch mobil, einfach und sicher
erfolgen. Mit "myHandyButler" wurde eine Java Anwendung entwickelt, die
eine komfortable Abfrage der aktuellen online Telefonverzeichnisse von
mehreren Ländern sowie die Anzeige von Ortsplänen ermöglicht. Dieser
Vortrag zeigt Stärken, Schwächen und Innovationen auf, welche in den
letzten Jahren dabei erkannt und realisiert worden sind.
Der Vortrag wird in deutscher Sprache gehalten!
Roland Loser ist der Leiter der Java Factory der Glue Software
Engineering AG. Er entwickelt mit seinem Team Software für alle Java
Plattformen (JavaCard, J2ME, J2SE, J2EE). Seine Ausbildung zum
Diplom-Informatiker absolvierte er an der Universität Bern in der
Software Composition Group.
This event is free even the drinks after the talk! Non-CHOOSE members
are encouraged to fill out the membership application form
( before attending the meeting. If you
want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which CHOOSE organises,
please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required because we have to prepare
the apero. Please fill out the registration form at the end of this
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The CHOOSE executive board and the IAM is pleased to invite you to the
IAM Kolloquium for the talk
"Industry and Innovation: Carving a New Platform for Dynamic Web
by Avi Bryant
16 November 2004 at 17h30
Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001, Travel instructions:
Industry and Innovation: Carving a New Platform for Dynamic Web
The open source Squeak Smalltalk environment has traditionally been
seen as a platform for research and education rather than for
mainstream commercial use. This talk will describe the recent efforts
to close that gap, in the form of several packages for Squeak Smalltalk
that are geared towards business and team development: Seaside, a web
application framework; Monticello, a source code versioning tool; ROE,
a framework for relational data; and GOODS, a client library for a free
object oriented database. These packages are an interesting hybrid:
their requirements come out of the business world, but their designs
are informed by the innovative and pure-object culture of Squeak. The
end result is a complete platform that allows business applications to
be built quickly and reliably, on a free and open source core, without
losing sight of the fun that is intrinsic to working in Squeak.
Avi Bryant is an independent consultant currently residing in the
Netherlands. He has been a driving force behind the use of Squeak
Smalltalk as a platform for commercial software development, and
maintains many of its most widely used packages. As a consultant, he
has helped companies develop Squeak-based products for the travel and
theatre industries, higher education, and mobile devices. Avi
previously worked as a developer and research assistant for the
University of British Columbia. He is the father of inventor of Seaside
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after the
talk! Non-CHOOSE members are encouraged to fill out the membership
application form ( before attending the
meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which
CHOOSE organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
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Fill in the form below and sent it to <>. Thanks.
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Carving a New Platform for Dynamic Web Applications
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Address: ______________________________________
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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