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FYI-- pls distribute as you see proper.
Roberto Zicari
Object Management Group Information Days 2003 on
-- "Integrating the Enterprise" --
The Object Management Group and LogOn Technology Transfer
announce the traditional pan-European tour of OMG Days in Europe
for 2003.
An OMG Information Day is a one-day conference and exhibition
with focus on Enterprise Integration.
The OMG Days Europe 2003 Schedule is:
OMG Day Amsterdam, February 18, 2003
OMG Day Brussels, February 19, 2003
OMG Day Zurich, February 26, 2003
OMG Day Milan, February 27, 2003
OMG Day Helsinki, March 3, 2003
OMG Day Stockholm, March 4, 2003
OMG Day Oslo, March 5, 2003
OMG Day Copenhagen, March 6, 2003
OMG Day Munich, April 2, 2003
OMG Day London, June 10, 2003
OMG Day Paris, June 11, 2003
For the full conference programs and details of the events please visit:
Dear CHOOSE member,
Besides working at ETH Zurich, I also work with the University of Bergen, Norway. Hence, I have been asked to
raise awareness about the following conference in Switzerland:
rOOts conference, 5th - 7th of May 2003, Bergen, Norway
Conference site: http://roots.dnd.no/
Conference program: http://roots.dnd.no/2003/program/program.html
Short outline: The rOOts conference, now firmly established in the European OO community as a serious annual
event, is a forum for debate and study of recent and emerging trends in OO methodology, design and
implementations. The format provides opportunities for both managers and programmers to learn together and
discuss these topics in both formal and informal environments. In three years the rOOts conference has emerged
as one of Europe's premier arenas for presentation and demonstration of OO innovation.
Thanks for your attention and best regards,
Morten Fjeld
Man-Machine Interaction (MMI) at the
Institute for Hygiene and Applied Physiology (IHA), ETH Zurich
Dr.sc.techn. Morten Fjeld
IHA, Clausiusstr. 25
CH-8092 Zurich
fon: +41 1 632 3983
fax: +41 1 632 1173