On 13 oct. 08, at 11:23, Adrian Kuhn wrote:
I am lost.
Can you provide me a precise bug report?
Actually there is two, one for Squeak/Fame and the other for Java/
Fame. Should I post them on:
Anyway, here is the first for Squeak/Fame (I will post the second on
the Fame ML only, as it only concerns Fame 4 Java)
Ttitle: one-to-one relationship are not implemented
when two properties are declared as opposite but not multivalued, and
one is derived, this implies a one-to-one relationship between the two
classes (or at least this is my working hypothesis :)).
In particular the setter method for each of these attributes should
update the opposite attribute.
However, the code for the derived attribute is not generated (see
example below)
this case is handled in Fame 4 Java but with a double recursion schema.
Alternate solution: create a FMOnevalueLink which would take care of
the update logic.
From Famix3 current specification, attributes above and below are
opposite, both defined in Association, below is derived from above.
Current generated code:
<MSEProperty: #below type: #FAMIXAssociation opposite: #above>
^self shoudBeImplemented
below: anAssociation
below set: anAssociation
super initialize.
above := nil.
(below is not initialized)
On 13 Oct 2008, at 11:01 , Simon Denier wrote:
On 12 oct. 08, at 12:12, Tudor Girba wrote:
No, you had it right :).
The only problem is that we cannot specify these derived options in
Fame. In this case it is easy because it's just a negation, but in
other cases it can be more complicated.
Sorry for the cross-post, but since I guess it can be of interest
for eberybody.
So I understand the rationale, but the squeak code generator and
the Java code generator are not consistent.
- in Java some code is generated, more specifically in Famix3:
- above<->below is a one-to-one relationship and the update code
can be generated (as is the case in Fame Java)
- isRead is implemented as a normal attribute complete with an
instance variable, without any update code - but it should be a
derived attribute
- in squeak both are left as 'shouldBeImplemented'
Actually I think that both are 50% right/50% wrong. Fame Java does
it right when generating the update code for one-one relationship,
but is wrong when it implements isRead - the derived property is
lost and this is something which is easily overlooked - as you say
it should be left as is.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Oct 10, 2008, at 4:40 PM, Simon Denier wrote:
>> Thanks for your clarification, it helps!
>> Now I can compare the generated code under VW with Squeak (as
>> well as
>> with Fame4Java but it's another story)
>> The code seems fine except for Association>>below as well as
>> Access>>isRead
>> Both are implemented with 'self shoudBeImplemented'
>> Both are derived attributes
>> Association>>below is the opposite attribute of Association>>above
>> It seems obvious that isRead is derived from isWrite.
>> there should be some code at least to update the one-to-one
>> relationship between above<->below.
>> did I miss something?
Moose-dev mailing list
Simon Denier, PhD
Postdoc, Ptidej Team
DIRO, Université de Montréal