Hi all,
thanks for the support.
The ultimate idea is to have something as complete and detailed as
possible that could represent any language.
Possible applications could be:
- rule checking (as offered by smalllint, findbug, ...)
- automatic correction of rules (again as smalllint)
- computing metrics (e.g. Cyclomatic Complexity) directly on the model
- a generic symbol resolution tool (linking an identifier definition to
all its uses)
- manipulating the source code through the metamodel (refactoring)
- generating source code
- ... (the sky is the limit)
As already said by Yuriy, he started to specify the metamodel for ST and
will now start to work on the extractor from the ST AST.
Next step will probably be to consider another language (probably Java)
If anybody wants to step in, he is welcome.
More immediate possibilities are looking at modeling another language
AST, looking at how to integrate this smoothly with moose (typically one
will not be able to generate this for an entire system, so how to
generate the AST-model on the fly, for the right entities and conect it
to the current model).
On 29/11/12 14:15, Serge Stinckwich wrote:
Hi all,
BTW, I talk recently with Doru and another colleague about this topic ;-)
We were interested to have a group of students working on this, but
you already start something and we don't want to duplicate the effort.
How can we help here ?
As already said by Alex, go go go !