Hi everyone! I'm extending FAMIX meta-model to add support for AST models.
The project can be found at: http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~YuriyTymchuk/Famix-AST
I'll be thankful for any suggestions an support :)
At the moment I've developed a hierarchy of the AST meta-model itself and you can load it from MSE files, as an example you can use this one: https://raw.github.com/Uko/metamodels-support-files/master/mse/ast.mse Please note that only middleOf:And: method has it's AST defined. To explore AST model you should select a method node and see statements as it's subnode.
My next step is automatic creation of the AST model from existing source of the method.
Here is a diagram of a current Famix-AST class hierarchy: