This visualization is on top of a Moose model. We want to add actions for
refactoring the underlying model though the visualization, like moving
classes and methods.
An example is shown below. Each blue square is a class and I can expand by
clicking and see its methods.
[image: Inline image 1]
For now we are using context menus to the elements, copying elements to a
"clipboard" etc.
But it would be cooler if we could drag and drop things :)
What I thought was adding an action to the element to call the container it
is been moved to.
Thanks for the response and I'll wait for news on this topic.
On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)>
Ah ok. Currently we cannot do that.
Is this urgent?
What are you trying to achieve? Improving the drag and drop support?
Alexandre Bergel
On Jun 18, 2014, at 11:21 AM, Gustavo Santos <gugajansen(a)> wrote:
Yes, I was trying that (the second example). But, as I said, I only need
the event to trigger when I leave the click, which ROMouseDragged did
before. That's why Roassal have ROMouseDragging and ROMOuseDragged.
On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)
Hi Gustavo,
Here is the similar version in Roassal2:
| v el |
v := RTView new.
el := (RTBox new size: 20) element.
v add: el.
el when: TRMouseDragging do: [ :evt | Transcript show: 'ok'; cr ].
v open
However, you cannot move the square. Since it is not draggable. So, you
can have
| v el |
v := RTView new.
el := (RTBox new size: 20) element.
v add: el.
el @ RTDraggable.
el when: TRMouseDragging do: [ :evt | Transcript show: 'ok'; cr ].
v open
Your example a bit more fancy:
| v el lbl |
v := RTView new.
el := (RTBox new size: 20) element.
v add: el.
el @ RTDraggable.
lbl := RTLabel elementOn: 'Move the box!'.
v add: lbl.
lbl translateBy: 0 @ -50.
el when: TRMouseDragging do: [ :evt | lbl trachelShape text: evt
positionFromCamera asString. v signalUpdate ].
v open.
Alexandre Bergel
On Jun 18, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Gustavo Santos <gugajansen(a)> wrote:
Hello everyone,
I'm working on a small visualisation of packages and classes and
basically I
want to be able to drag and drop one class to other package
In Roassal I could do this:
| view el |
view := ROView new.
el := ROElement sprite.
view add: el.
on: ROMouseDragged
do: [ :event | Transcript show: 'ok'; cr ].
view open.
But in Roassal 2 I only have TRMouseDragging (equivalent to
ROMouseDragging in
R1), that executes the block during the whole dragging
operation. What's the alternative to MouseDragged in Roassal 2?
Other question will come after that, but let's do baby steps.
Gustavo Santos
Université de Lille-1
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Gustavo Santos
Université de Lille-1
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