Yes, I was trying that (the second example). But, as I said, I only need the event to trigger when I leave the click, which ROMouseDragged did before. That's why Roassal have ROMouseDragging and ROMOuseDragged.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:
Hi Gustavo,

Here is the similar version in Roassal2:
| v el |
v := RTView new.
el := (RTBox new size: 20) element.
v add: el.
el when: TRMouseDragging do: [ :evt | Transcript show: 'ok'; cr ].
v open

However, you cannot move the square. Since it is not draggable. So, you can have

| v el |
v := RTView new.
el := (RTBox new size: 20) element.
v add: el.
el @ RTDraggable.
el when: TRMouseDragging do: [ :evt | Transcript show: 'ok'; cr ].
v open

Your example a bit more fancy:
| v el lbl |
v := RTView new.
el := (RTBox new size: 20) element.
v add: el.
el @ RTDraggable.

lbl := RTLabel elementOn: 'Move the box!'.
v add: lbl.
lbl translateBy: 0 @ -50.

el when: TRMouseDragging do: [ :evt | lbl trachelShape text: evt positionFromCamera asString. v signalUpdate ].
v open.

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 18, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Gustavo Santos <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm working on a small visualisation of packages and classes and basically I want to be able to drag and drop one class to other package
> In Roassal I could do this:
> | view el |
> view := ROView new.
> el := ROElement sprite.
> view add: el.
> el
> on: ROMouseDragged
> do: [ :event | Transcript show: 'ok'; cr ].
> view open.
> But in Roassal 2 I only have TRMouseDragging (equivalent to ROMouseDragging in R1), that executes the block during the whole dragging operation. What's the alternative to MouseDragged in Roassal 2?
> Other question will come after that, but let's do baby steps.
> Cheers,
> --
> Gustavo Santos
> Université de Lille-1
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Gustavo Santos
Université de Lille-1