On 23 Mar 2010, at 13:48, Simon Denier wrote:
Hi Johan
Glad to hear that (I also would be glad to host a video of aspectmaps on the moose
website ;))
Ah right. I still need to do the big screencast with full explanation of everything. Right
now there is a small page online here:
http://pleiad.cl/aspectmaps that has a small video
(youtube). Maybe the Moose page can refer to that?
Did you try to install Moose through Monticello? Is it
really slow from Chile right now? It could be faster now with Metacello/Gofer improvement.
An alternative way is to download the one-click beta5. Not the latest release, but recent
enough I think.
We never thought of the hudson server as a backup for ready-made moose, but why not.
Anyway, the problem with hudson is actually not related to moose or pharo but to java. I
don't know when it will be solved.
In my experience the monticello way is very slow and an ugly process (copy-paste from
moose website and do-it ugh). Why not take advantage of prebuilt images if its there? With
hudson I can get the latest version of everything the next day. That one click experience
makes me happy ...
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a)dcc.uchile.cl -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile