But here we are saving memory. What about the performances for access the variables?
Because, when we try to minimize one, we are always changing the other.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Moose-dev [mailto:moose-dev-bounces@list.inf.unibe.ch] De la part de
Alexandre Bergel
Envoyé : lundi 13 mars 2017 23:08
À : Moose-related development
Cc : Philippe Valenza; christophe.allegrini(a)synectique.eu
Objet : [Moose-dev] Re: A quick analyzis of the usage of instance variables in
On Mar 13, 2017, at 9:53 AM, Nicolas Anquetil
Reviving this old mail from Guillaume.
I did an analysis on a huge model (>2M entities) we have:
- .mse file: 372.5 MB
- .image file without the model: 86.9 MB
- image with model: 692.8 MB (thus apparently 605,9 MB used by the
model) Then I did a small experiment: I removed the four instance
variables of FAMIXSourcedEntity (sourceAnchor, sourceLanguage,
comments, declaredSourceLanguage) and replaced them by variables in
the privateState
for example:
"Returns the list of comments defined for the entity."
<MSEProperty: #comments type: #FAMIXComment opposite:
<multivalued> <derived>
<MSEComment: 'list of comments
defined in the entity'>
"Returns the list of comments defined for the entity."
<MSEProperty: #comments type: #FAMIXComment opposite:
<multivalued> <derived>
<MSEComment: 'list of comments
defined in the entity'>
"^ comments"
^ self privateState cacheAt: #comments ifAbsentPut: nil
As a result, the .image file is 673.3 MB (thus apparently 586,4 MB
used by the model) Not huge, but almost 20 MB saved, 3% of the initial
On 10/11/2016 20:49, stepharo wrote:
> Thanks
> A task of Pavel will be to see how slots usage can reduce that space lost.
> For the empty collection having a kind of
> - sharing an #() in a classVar
> - creating a new collection on use could be a solution.
> Le 7/11/16 à 12:16, Guillaume Larcheveque a écrit :
>> Hi Moose users,
>> as you may know, at Synectique we experiment lots of issues about
>> That's why i had a look at the number
of unused instance variables in
one of our system loaded with a big model from one
of our main customer.
>> Total instance variables: 26.852.653 Used
instance variables:
>> 17.393.938 Empty collections: 5.023.508 Recoverable instance
>> variables: 14.482.223
>> The recoverable instance variables are those with nil or an empty
>> collection (or MultiValueLink)
>> As you can see, we can save a lot of memory :-)
>> Here is my (dirty) code to get that:
>> countUsedInstanceVariableInForSubInstances: aClass
>> | usedInstNbr instNbr emptyCollNbr |
>> usedInstNbr := 0.
>> instNbr := 0.
>> emptyCollNbr := 0.
>> aClass
>> allSubInstancesDo: [ :anEntity |
>> instNbr := instNbr + anEntity class allInstVarNames
>> anEntity class
>> doWithIndex: [ :e :i |
>> (anEntity instVarAt: i)
>> ifNotNil: [ :content |
>> ([
>> content isEmpty.
>> emptyCollNbr :=
emptyCollNbr + 1.
false ]
>> on:
do: [ false ])
>> ifFalse: [
usedInstNbr := usedInstNbr + 1 ] ] ] ].
>> ^ {('Used instance variables'
-> usedInstNbr).
>> ('empty collections' -> emptyCollNbr).
>> ('Recoverable instance variables' -> (instNbr - (usedInstNbr -
('Total instance variables' -> instNbr)}
> --
> Guillaume Larcheveque
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Nicolas Anquetil -- MCF (HDR)
Project-Team RMod
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Alexandre Bergel
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