
A task of Pavel will be to see how slots usage can reduce that space lost.

For the empty collection having a kind of
    - sharing an #() in a classVar
    - creating a new collection on use could be a solution.

Le 7/11/16 à 12:16, Guillaume Larcheveque a écrit :
Hi Moose users,

as you may know, at Synectique we experiment lots of issues about memory usage.
That's why i had a look at the number of unused instance variables in one of our system loaded with a big model from one of our main customer.

Total instance variables: 26.852.653
Used instance variables: 17.393.938
Empty collections: 5.023.508
Recoverable instance variables: 14.482.223

The recoverable instance variables are those with nil or an empty collection (or MultiValueLink)

As you can see, we can save a lot of memory :-)

Here is my (dirty) code to get that:

countUsedInstanceVariableInForSubInstances: aClass
| usedInstNbr instNbr emptyCollNbr |
usedInstNbr := 0.
instNbr := 0.
emptyCollNbr := 0.
allSubInstancesDo: [ :anEntity | 
instNbr := instNbr + anEntity class allInstVarNames size.
anEntity class allInstVarNames
doWithIndex: [ :e :i | 
(anEntity instVarAt: i)
ifNotNil: [ :content | 
content isEmpty.
emptyCollNbr := emptyCollNbr + 1.
false ]
on: MessageNotUnderstood
do: [ false ])
ifFalse: [ usedInstNbr := usedInstNbr + 1 ] ] ] ].
^ {('Used instance variables' -> usedInstNbr).
('empty collections' -> emptyCollNbr).
('Recoverable instance variables' -> (instNbr - (usedInstNbr - emptyCollNbr))).
('Total instance variables' -> instNbr)}

Guillaume Larcheveque

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