There is class Notice for that in Visualworks, with several methods for
a simple popup dialog only, or with an overall progress meter, or even a
progress bar with an additional message for every step.
You invoke something like:
showProgress: 'Doing layout...'
complete: 1000
while: [ stuff ...
IncrementNotification raiseSignal].
The counter is increased by raising the Notification.
So maybe there is a chance to get this handled by TRPlatform.
Am 08.04.2015 um 16:08 schrieb Alexandre Bergel:
No idea. We have a platform TRPlatform class that
contains platform dependent features. Maybe we could include one to have platform. But I
am afraid this may complexify the whole things if progress bars are radically different in
> On Apr 8, 2015, at 10:38 AM, Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymchuk(a)> wrote:
> How do they display progress in VW?
>> On 08 Apr 2015, at 15:34, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)>
>> An alternative is to have another subclass, such as
>> But this is not idea, because the progress bar should be by default Pharo. And on
VisualWorks no.
>> Another alternative, and the cleanest one I believe, is to have event generated
to every X steps. You can have whatever you wish as a callback, moving the progress bar or
>> I have added an issue about this:
>> Alexandre
>>> On Apr 8, 2015, at 9:50 AM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)> wrote:
>>> We need a better way of modeling that :)
>>> Doru
>>> On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 2:44 PM, Alexandre Bergel
<alexandre.bergel(a)> wrote:
>>> I have cleaned a bit your code with something like:
>>> doExecute: nodeElements
>>> self start: nodeElements.
>>> self isJobInstalled
>>> ifTrue: [ self runLayoutInJob ]
>>> ifFalse: [ self runLayoutSimply ].
>>> alpha := 0.
>>> nodes do: [ :e | translator translateTopLeftOf: e to: e position ]
>>> It is in version .816 of Roassal2.
>>> We should be able to run the layout without job. This is important for us
>>> Thanks!
>>> Alexandre
>>>> On Apr 7, 2015, at 5:04 PM, Peter Uhnák <i.uhnak(a)> wrote:
>>>> Out of curiosity I dug a little deeper and was happy to learn about a Job
and more about Pharo internals.
>>>> In any case, try replacing RTForceBasedLayout>>doExecute: with
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> doExecute: nodeElements
>>>> self start: nodeElements.
>>>> [ :job |
>>>> job
>>>> title: 'Laying out elements';
>>>> min: 1 - alpha;
>>>> max: 1.
>>>> nbIterations = 0
>>>> ifTrue: [ [ alpha := alpha * 0.99. alpha > 0.005
] whileTrue: [ self step. job currentValue: 1 - alpha ] ]
>>>> ifFalse: [ nbIterations timesRepeat: [ alpha :=
alpha * 0.99. self step. job currentValue: 1 - alpha ] ]
>>>> ] asJob run.
>>>> alpha := 0.
>>>> nodes do: [ :e | translator translateTopLeftOf: e to: e position ].
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> it's bit messy (and doesn't account for nbIterations), but its a
proof of concept.
>>>> I thing that it makes sense to create execution indicator without
progress (with spinner for example)
>>>> What can be done is to display alpha on progress bar. From current value
to 0.005 or whatever there is.
>>>> I was thinking more something like this or thsi
>>>> Peter
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