Out of curiosity I dug a little deeper and was happy to learn about a Job and more about Pharo internals.In any case, try replacing RTForceBasedLayout>>doExecute: with this~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~doExecute: nodeElementsself start: nodeElements.[ :job |jobtitle: 'Laying out elements';min: 1 - alpha;max: 1.nbIterations = 0ifTrue: [ [ alpha := alpha * 0.99. alpha > 0.005 ] whileTrue: [ self step. job currentValue: 1 - alpha ] ]ifFalse: [ nbIterations timesRepeat: [ alpha := alpha * 0.99. self step. job currentValue: 1 - alpha ] ]] asJob run.alpha := 0.nodes do: [ :e | translator translateTopLeftOf: e to: e position ].~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~it's bit messy (and doesn't account for nbIterations), but its a proof of concept.I thing that it makes sense to create execution indicator without progress (with spinner for example)What can be done is to display alpha on progress bar. From current value to 0.005 or whatever there is.I was thinking more something like this http://www.barchart.com/shared/images/progress_bar.gif or thsi https://i.stack.imgur.com/gz9GK.gifPeter