Hi Camile
On 11 Jun 2015, at 10:47, Camille <camille.teruel(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On 11 Jun 2015, at 09:30, Jan Kurš <kurs(a)iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
That sounds really cool and useful extension.
Thank you Jan!
Regarding the furthest failure, the core of the problem is the distinction
between an error and a failure. Error reports on a problem in the input,
while failure is information for choice parser combinator. In general, the
furthest failure is a better approximation of an error than the last
failure, so we use it.
I am not sure what exactly is the problem in case of PrattParser. I guess
the last failure gives better results for a user?
Yes, with furthest failure I get errors from tokenization instead of my
For exemple with the calculator grammar I gave in my first mail when I
parse ‘1+’ the furthestFailure is ‘$- expected at 2’ whereas I return
‘expression expected at 2’ because there's a whole expression missing. Same
thing with ‘(1+2’ that returns ‘digit expected at 4’ instead of ‘$)
expected at 4’.
But furthest failure gives wrong messages in other cases to.
Consider this sequence parser:
keyword := #letter asParser plus , $: asParser.
keyword parse: ‘foo'
This returns 'letter expected at 3’, but no matter how many letters I add
to the end I’ll still get ‘letter expected’.
I want to get what is really missing: '$: expected at 3’.
Any of those error messages wouldn't be too bad if the failing production
rule were also mentioned. Something like "keyword rule failed with xx
expected at 3"
But yeah, that would require annotating the production rules which can
pollute the clarity of the grammar definition...
Maybe returning the “latest furthest failure” instead of the “first
furthest failure” could solves the problem here (i.e. replacing > with >=
in PPContext>>#noteFailure:)?
One has to consider a pratt parser included in the normal parser, e. g.
Expressions parsed by pratt in a Java Grammar. Depending where an error
occurs, different strategy for choosing the proper failure is necessary :-/
Indeed, my hack (redefining #parseWithContext:) works only when the Pratt
parser is the top parser, but a soon as I compose it I’m screwed because
only parseOn: is sent to the Pratt parser.
That’s why I wonder if letting the parser decide what to return wouldn’t
solve the problem: by default the furthest failure but special parsers can
still decide.
Regarding tokenization, there is a message token, that returns
PPTokenParser, which transforms a parsed input into the PPToken object.
Perhaps this might be helpful?
The Pratt tokens are special: a token points back to the parser that
generated it (its “kind”).
PPTokenKind subclasses PPFlatteningParser and generates instances of
A PPTokenKind stores the precedence, the action to be executed when a
token of this kind is met at the start of an expression (for terminals and
prefixes) and the action to be executed when a token is met in the middle
of an expression (for postfixes and infixes).
Cheers Jan
On Wed, Jun 10, 2015, 20:52 Richard Sargent <
richard.sargent(a)gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
camille teruel wrote
> On 10 Jun 2015, at 19:11, Chris Cunningham
> wrote:
> Inteteresting....
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 9:36 AM, Camille <
>> wrote:
Hello Pharoers and Moosers,
I did a Pratt parser extension for PetitParser.
> @PP Devs:
> I had trouble with the PPContext furthestFailure that is taken into
> account instead of the failures I return, so I had to redefine
> #parseWithContext: to return the failures I want. The results given by
> furthestFailure were not very meaningful in my case (the same is true
> PPExpressionParser btw).
> But I guess it was introduced because it gives good results in other
> cases.
> So would it be possible to change this behavior to let the parser
> if it returns the furthestFailure or the
original failure?
> The intent behind the furthestFailure is that it give the failure that
> gets the furthest into the source stream. It is most useful when there
> are embedded choice operators in the parser - the original/pre furthest
> behaviour would return the last failure, which depending on the
> stream and the order of the choice options
could be significantly not
> useful.
> I ran into this when working with the sql parser, which started off
> the outer choice of (by memory):
> ^ selectStatement / insertStatement / updateStatement /
> deleteStatement
> If I was trying to part a select statement that had an error at the
> end of the statement, the parser would return
an error talking about
incoming stream failed in deleteStatement. Not useful.
I would be saddened if this further failure was not available.
Yes in that case returning the furthest failure gives better results.
However, this don’t give meaningful messages in all cases.
For exemple with the calculator I gave in my previous message, if I
‘1+’ I want to get ‘expression expected at: 2’
but instead it returns
expected at 2'.
I’m not proposing to remove this feature but to let parsers decide to
it or not.
Something like (changes in bold):
PPParser>>parseWithContext: context
| result |
context initializeFor: self.
result := self parseOn: context.
"Return the furthest failure, it gives better results than the
(result isPetitFailure and: [ self wantsFurthestFailure and: [
furthestFailure notNil ] ])
ifTrue: [ ^ context furthestFailure ].
^ result
This screams at me. Why not just delegate to the context and use a context
that returns the preferred failure? e.g. end with:
^context preferredResultFor: result.
^ true
Like this, one can return the failures he wants.
^ false
> -cbc
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