Good morning, Stef! :)
I will try my best to answer the content of your mails.
On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 8:25 AM, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)
Hi guys
Can we get playground not hidding the old workspace?
That is the whole point of the GT: to replace the existing tools. The
points you mention below are really tiny (at least from my point of view).
The textselection is awfull.
It should not be. Besides the click-pause-click (instead of double-click)
to select, is there anything else that is missing?
Why do we sacrifice what is working in Pharo?
We do not. But, please keep in mind that we are still developing it. 's
just that we moved all tools to Rubric since recently because
PluggableTextMorph cannot be used for future developments. And in the
process, we are refactoring a bit Rubric to be more malleable and use
keymapping and allow for more flexible syntax highlighting.
Some keybindings are not working
Which ones? I am working specifically on this since a week to get it to
work properly on Windows as well.
registerToolsOn: registry
"Add ourselves to registry. See [Smalltalk tools]"
"self registerToolsOn: Smalltalk tools"
registry register: self as: #playground
SmalltalkImage current resetTools is broken on Moose :(
Sorry for that. I never used resetTools. We should add a test for this.
Btw, now that I look at resetTools, it does not even work properly even if
you use it outside of Moose. The world menu is messed up. The Nautilus is
the simpler one. Essentially, the outcome of using that one is kind of
random (look at the implementation). So, it's good you bring it up because
we should talk about it in the Pharo mailing list.
Workspace registerToolsOn: SmalltalkImage current tools
Yes. This is the way things are meant to be used, is it not? Why is this an
issue?! You can just do this without the resetTools and it should work out
of the box.
Then why the theme does not support correctly the display of incomplete
class names and selector?
It does! It shows them in gray. What is wrong there?
I will really consider to ask the rmod team to make
its own Moose build
with decent default
because this is each time the same story instead of having the time to fix
a problem (snapshotcello is not working with latest moose
then I lose times to fix the system to work as good as the default pharo).
I hope you don't. I believe that every time people had problems we could
react quite fast and we focused on fixing the problems. Please keep the
game fair.
Moose-dev mailing list
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