Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal
New issue 1107 by alexandr...(a) problem with centring the view on
the elements
I have to manually press the center button. Would be great to have this
From Andrei Chis:
Right now Glamour does not offer a solution for sending notifications when
a morph is added to another morph, as the actual adding of a morph is done
in morphic. However morphic calls #noteNewOwner: on the TRMorph the first
time it has been added to a new morph (or when the owner of a morph
changes). Implementing TRMorph>>noteNewOwner: like below would
automatically shrink and center the canvas to the available space of the
parent every time TRMorph is added to a new morph. Though I'm not sure this
is something you might want all the time. I could add an option in glamour
that could be set then on TRMorph.
noteNewOwner: aMorph
self trachelCanvas focusOnCenterScaled. self signalUpdate
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