On 9 June 2013 20:00, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com> wrote:
I have downloaded the ready-to-use image from Jenkins
and I have an error.
what error?
I have downloaded an empty 2.0 image and installed
NBOpenGL and it works. Strange. Maybe some initialization are made that makes the image
not cross-platform? Just suggesting...
Just tried latest build:
both 2.0 and 3.0 images work without any errors.
(just don't run image without .sources file, because NB is sensitive to that)
Thanks Igor! Being able to do some 3d in Pharo is
extremely important.
I like that people trying to use things i made.
Concerning NBOpenGL, i repeating it again: this is not end-user
application, nor a 'framework' ready to use.
It is a pure bindings to OpenGL with some little code i made to make
own demo. And even if demo doesn't runs,
it doesn't means that whole bindings non-functional.
That means, to make things work for real, you have to make your hands dirty.
The bindings will stay as basic as it is, because it is 99.9%
automatically generated code,
from OpenGL specs.
So, for making real application, i would really discourage you from
using context initialization code
which is there, but instead write own, because the one which is there
has many hardcoded things
and subject to changes.
Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.