Comment #1 on issue 772 by benjamin...(a) Moose Panel > ST importer
incorrect selection highlighting
Updating for Moose 5.0. How to reproduce the problem:
1. Started Moose 5.0 from PharoLauncher.
2. WorldMenu > Moose > Moose Panel
3. Clicked the ST down-arrow icon.
4. In the left-pane, select the five "AST-*" entries and click the
5. In the right-pane, select row 2 "AST-Interpreter-Core" and click the
6. In the right-pane, observe row 3 moves up to row 2 so
that "AST-Interpreter-Extension" takes the old place
of "AST-Interpreter-Core." Observer the selection of row 2 remains and you
cannot make it go away.
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