On 16 juil. 09, at 18:51, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
Here are the notes of the Moose meeting
Cyrille, Stef, Jannik, Simon
- First goal: Moose should be usable.
- load save filtering what is saved and what should be loaded mse
- get
Distribution Map
The VW code has been imported in MondrianExtensions, including code
for clustering and data structure. Now need debugging (also a basic
example of DM is running in Mondrian)
PackageBlueprint working on PhaMoose
- We should use systematically the bugtracker available at:
Some wiki gardening to do on the google website:
- cleaning the bug tracker and entering new issues
- code snippets (until we get the autodoc feature)
- milestones and long-term goals (such goals used to be in the bug
tracker, which is not good)
- We need a moose documentation. Now we cannot afford writing it.
We will select some tests and tagged them with a pragma and use this
pragma to indicate that the tests is a documentation tests.
Documentation will have comment and show user scenario.
- Tests should be cleaned/reorganized
Actually we should take a look at package organization. With the
latest viz we got with Jannik, this should be fun to do.
- Profiling Moose
- use of hashtable instead of Dictionary to see if we can go faster
- faster sets?
- SmallDictionary?
- Run SmallLint on Moose and update methods with pragmas
- Comment in classes
- in Fame classes also
- We should get a release process
- Stable Moose version
May be we should have a Moose and Moose Public repository
- Need a Browser based on Glamour
and using Fame metadescription to discover the
Check VW
Check new VW browser made by doru
Selection/Filter -> Group
Property displayed
inspector? source code inspector
Actions on selection
cache in browser
ubiquitous commands (for example, zoom should happen anywhere the
mouse cursor is - use shortcuts or buttons if necessary)
performance: clipping + event dispatch (see quadtree, faster set, ...)
- Mondrian Exporter as PNG
- Mondrian caches
- Moose is too slow to load
- package info
- MC 1.5 speed up
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