On Mar 2, 2010, at 5:31 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
Hi Stef,
Thanks for the mail. I reply to each point below, but before that I would like to raise
the problem of announcing work items before and after they happen. And I am not talking
about Cyrille, but in general, starting with me :).
The tracker is a good place, but to make it work we need to make three things working:
- Create the issues that you want to work on with some time in advance
- Mark yourself as the owner so that we can see who wants to do what
- Mark the issue as started so that we can see that something is in the works
- Raise controversial or important issues on the mailing list
Now about some more nice to have technical things:
- Morph tab widget with closing option and with proper visual handling of tab overflow
- Morph panes that can be collapsed (like in Eclipse)
- Morph panes that can handle a small toolbar (like in Eclipse)
- Morph text editor without default Smalltalk key-bindings
yes I should ping fernando.
for the TextEditor from Squeak.
here is a list of the next topic I would like
cyrille to work on
Radu's pyramid
Yes, this is also on my to do list.
we should sync on this one.
How would you implement it? based on glamour?
Better UI (for
me this is still difficult to interact with moose - I will discuss with doru - sunday)
I am curious what you mean by better UI :). And more precisely a better UI for what? :)
How to apply visualizations to a group
I do not understand. Just right click on a group to see the available services including
In VW you could clikc on the top label to access the action of the group when you were
looking at the group elements. In Pharo you have to click on the famixpackage to get the
list of actions
distribution map work?
Not really. But now that Cyrille worked on the algorithms, we have a better basis.
Porting EyeSee
Matthias Junker and me might have a shot at this in the next couple of weeks. We will
announce as we progress.
Ok I would really like to see if this can be coded using
rome so that after we can use the cairo backend
User Interface for Squale model
Saving model to database (we have openDBX expert / Glorp?)
Yes :)
Support for C#
That would be indeed nice to have.
Algorithm librarie of VW
This is important. This seems to be pretty much working.
Collection iterator -> Pharo
What is that?
We should check all the moose collection extensions and see which ones should be
retroffited to pharo.
http://moose.unibe.ch/tools/yellowsubmarine) qui permet l'analyse de SVN.
Matthias Junker (and me) started to work on this.
Alien help
Rome for Moose
Yes, that would be great to have.
Yes and this is related to eyesee from my point of view
Interface for
Support for remediation
Cost estimation
Do you have other needs?
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