As we talked in another thread I tried to look at the configuration of
Moose to be able to load Famix without every Moose tool (Glamour, Roassal…).
As Stephan said, since Famix is an inactive project for now groups are
enough to manage Famix. So I made some groups to be able to get only
Famix and the moose packages needed by famix.
There is 3 groups:
- Famix (Which is only the two following groups together)
- Famix-Without-Test
- Famix-Tests
So if you have a Tool that use Famix but not Moose tools you can had
this dependency:
spec project: 'Famix' with: [
className: #ConfigurationOfMoose;
versionString: #development;
loads: #( #'Famix' );
repository: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Moose/Moose/main' ].
The only problem during the loading is about MalGraphBuilderStrategy
that is missing, but this was already the case in Moose.
I hope this will help you.
Cyril Ferlicot
165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France