Hi Alex,
there is a typo in the pragmas of FAMIXClass >> #methods, replace
<mulivalued> with <multivalued> and then it works.
NB as it seems, Squeak does compile methods with unknown pragmas
where as WV throws an error if one uses an unknown pragma (which
typically happens because of a typo).
On 4 Sep 2008, at 15:15 , Alexandre Bergel wrote:
An image is available on
Just evaluate the following in a workspace:
| class |
class := FAMIXClass new.
class name: 'AClass'.
class addToMethods: (FAMIXMethod new name: 'aMethod'; yourself).
class addToMethods: (FAMIXMethod new name: 'anotherMethod';
(class mooseDescription attributeNamed: #methods)
getFrom: class
On 4 Sep 2008, at 15:40, Adrian Kuhn wrote:
I can take a look.
Do you have a test case that reproduces the error? If yes, which
packages do I have to checkout and which test to run? Or even
> just upload me an image somewhere with an open debugger.
> PS ... you can use #attributeNamed:
> (class mooseDescription attributeNamed: #methods) getFrom: class
> cheers,
> AA