El 03/01/2012, a las 11:21a.m., Alexandre Bergel escribió:
We recently discussed about Glamour.
Who is we?
The Pharo mailing list. But this is not important.
Something like this:
a list
allowItemDrag: [:item :list | ... ];
itemDrag: [:item :list | ... ]
a list
allowDropOnItem: [:draggedObject :targetItem :list | ... ];
dropOnItem: [:draggedObject :targetItem :list | ... ]
It is often not clear what the object referenced by "a" is. Even for me.
Why do you say often?
Because I often experience this :-)
You seem to imply that it can take many forms :).
But, "a" is always used in examples to denote an instance of
GLMCompositePresentation. Always.
Ah okays. But this is not easy to infer this from browsing the code of andShow:.
Maybe just saying that the block expect an instance of GLMCompositePresentation as
argument will help.
Anyway, what is your point? :)
Simply trying to help to document Glamour better. My students bumped into those problem
(they are very beginners however).
yep... "a" is an awful name... I always use "presenter"
Whatever the discussion on the pharo mailing list, whether Glamour should be part of
Pharo or not, whether Glamour compete against OB or not, Glamour make us really
productive. Juan Pablo is designing a new version of Versionner based on Glamour. We are
so fast in designing UI and we have so much freedom.
I did not measure it, but I think we are between 10 or 20 times faster with Glamour than
directly with Morphic. Glamour simply cannot be ignored.
we should keep improving glamour (and glamoroust)... then we'll see if it becomes part
of pharo or just a great tool you need to install :)
Happy new year, once more :-)
Alexandre Bergel
Moose-dev mailing list