Hi Offray!
I am not sure to perfectly understand. Moose works well on Linux, Windows and OSX. Just
grab the one click from
Does this answer your question?
On 29 Nov 2011, at 23:07, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi all,
I'm just wondering if is possible to use Moose to install portable apps Like Xmind[1]
or Etoys[2]. Both have a packaging that include the virtual machine and the software for
Windows, Linux and Mac, so installing it would be matter of telling moose where to
download the files and how to execute the proper file according to the operative system.
May be a more modular and intelligent way could be implemented using the data analysis
tools of moose and models to declare dependencies between software and may be adding
compiling tools or other ways to install the software.
If you have any hint about where can I get started with this idea it would be appreciated
(I know that on this, pharo and pier mailing list I continuously ask for pointers for
different starting ideas... all they are related, but now I just have not the time to
start with them because I was preparing the first part of my Ph.D exam... hopefully if I
can get any time to code and proper pointers, it will be with some code on Smalltalk,
instead of reinventing the wheel in other language).
Moose-dev mailing list
Alexandre Bergel