The idea is
what are the three scenario that we could put by default.
We were thinking about a dashboard at package level.
On Jan 26, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Usman Bhatti wrote:
While brainstorming the project Moose-on-the-Web (providing a moose interface on the
web), we thought about putting a few basic/common visualization queries on the web. These
queries will allow users to have an understanding of their system without trying different
combinations of elements (packages, class, methods, etc.) and different combinations of
visualizations (UML diagram, class blue-print, etc.). So, we thought to take a feedback
from the people on this list regarding the common visualizations they find useful for a
potential user of the system.
Can you please provide a list of three visualizations that you think can be useful for a
user for his/her system?
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