Comment #8 on issue 557 by FAMIXComment wrongly
I do not understand the meaning of MooseElement>>description and of
| element stream |
element := MooseElement new.
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
self assert: (stream description isContainer).
self assert: (stream description isKindOf: MAPriorityContainer).
Actually, there is a problem with #description, because of Magritte which
is loaded by Glamour. Magritte defines Object>>description and this returns
a MagritteDescription. This conflicts with MooseEntity>>description which
returns a string.
So, the solution is to rename MooseEntity>>description to
MooseEntity>>stringDescription or something like that, but this is a deep
change and I would not do it now.
In any case the above mentioned test is wrong in Moose-Tests-Core because
it should not know about Magritte. So, I removed it.