Scalability has been completely discarded so far. Even if it is difficult to make it
right, we will get there on some point.
How severe is the problem you have faced? Can it wait until mid february or march ?
Part One
RODraggableWithVelocity seems to have a problem overshooting the drag distance with large
numbers of elements. For example, referring to the next script, with RODraggable only, if
I drag the view background sideways by a quarter-window-width, even though it takes a few
seconds to respond to a drag, the final position of the elements is a quarter-window-width
sideways. However with RODraggableWithVelocity, doing the same action, I observe the
elements briefly appear a quarter-window-width sideways, then another
quarter-window-width, then another until the elements disappear off the side of the
window. This behaviour disappears from this example by reducing to 1000 elements, but
occurs in my application with only 100 elements (plus an equal number of edges).
| rawView domain |
rawView := ROView new @ RODraggable " @ RODraggableWithVelocity " .
domain := 1 to: 10000.
domain do: [ :x | rawView add: (ROElement on: x) + (ROLabel) ].
ROVerticalLineLayout on: rawView elements.
rawView open
Alexandre Bergel