Hi Ross,
On 16 Jun 2010, at 21:17, Ross Boylan wrote:
On Wed, 2010-06-16 at 09:37 +0200, Tudor Girba wrote:
As mentioned before, there is no support for
graphical support for
writing MSE files. The main reason here is that Smalltalk already
provides a good enough solution for quickly building classes and
methods, and annotating them is a practical solution.
I gather there is no
facility to generate the smalltalk out of the
method annotations. Is there any reason, in principle, that it
be done?
Well, if you have the method annotations, you already have the
Smalltalk code :).
Right now, the only possibility is to generate Smalltalk code out of
MSE code that represents your meta-model. This is like the famixCore
string that you saw in the image.
"Not knowing how to do something is not an argument for how it cannot
be done."