On 5 janv. 2011, at 15:24, Martin Dias wrote:
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Simon Denier
<simon.denier(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Martin
Hi Simon
The charts display many interesting features, and
raise some questions :)
Do you have an idea about the drops observed at the 100,000 entities x-point? And why the
MSE file size grows so sharply after that?
Actually I don't know why has that shape the chart, I have not the
code here, but I remember I used for the X-axis the result of
Which Moose models did you use to test?
Ah... I should include that information in the chart. In this moment I
can't open Moose (it's not my computer!), but are all generated using
MooseScripts. You can see in the Doc part of the FLFameBenchmarks
OK I see. Which tool do you use to draw the charts? Maybe it would be better to show each
point/model individually. I am not sure we can actually draw a linear interpolation
between the points given the set of models.
Also when running in the 4.3 image, I get lots of #sortBy: deprecation warning in the
Transcript for MSE export, this should be fixed.
Another topic: is it possible to 'shape' the instances when serializing them so
that only the necessary data get exported. In other words, can we declare some fields as
'transient' so that Fuel does not need to traverse them. I'm thinking that all
Moose entities have a cache: this cache does not need to be stored.
In Fuel for now it's not implemented the transient declaration, but in
the extension for Moose I (tried to) use the Fame meta-description in
the same way that MSE does.
On 4 janv. 2011, at 14:53, Martin Dias wrote:
I have been working in a object serialization framework last months,
called Fuel. And in order to test it in a real case, I made a package
that adds new import and export commands to Moose panel.
Fuel and this Moose extension still need a lot of work on
functionalities and performance optimizations.
The idea was to imitate the export/import MSE capabilities, and at
least in the basic cases I tried, it imitates well, but I have not too
much experience with Moose, so it would be nice to have feedback of
more experienced users, and to know if it could be useful or not.
I have tried in Moose 4.1 release and Moose 4.3 build #77 from
More information at the end of this website:
To install:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Fuel';
version: 'Fuel-MartinDias.78';
version: 'FuelFameExtension-MartinDias.21';
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Simon Denier