I have noticed that working with large collections in the new inspector is noticeable slower than with the old one :(
I executed a tiny benchmark that is just inspecting a 1.000.000 objects collection:
Smalltalk tools inspectorTool: GTInspector.
Transcript show: 'Exp with GT-Inspector: '.
Transcript show: [
((1 to: 1000000) collect: [ :i | Object new ]) inspect ] timeToRun.
Transcript cr.
Smalltalk tools inspectorTool: EyeInspector.
Transcript show: 'Exp with EyeInspector: '.
Transcript show: [
((1 to: 1000000) collect: [ :i | Object new ]) inspect ] timeToRun.
And the results were:
Exp with GT-Inspector: 0:00:01:04.979
Exp with EyeInspector: 0:00:00:00.381
Are you facing the same issue?
I would like to know why the Meta Editor in the Moose panel and the implementing class GLMMagrittePresentation have been removed from the Moose 5.1 image because I want to annotate a model with it.
If it is not possible to do it work for Moose 5.1, is there an equivalent?
Thanks in advance,
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For a given famix class “cls” and a given famix method “m” (m is defined in cls), I would like to get the methods called by m that belongs to cls. Why is the simplest way to get this? I try the following:
(m queryAllOutgoingInvocations withinClass: cls) asArray flatCollect: #candidates
But I am sure there is a simpler way to do this…. Any hint?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
This may be interesting for some of your.
A bug has been fixed this morning regarding the composition of dynamic stacked grapher. You can check the video https://vimeo.com/127707899
to have an idea. This is the result of the script:
composer := RTComposer new.
a := RTDynamicStackedGrapher new.
a minY: -200; maxY: 200.
a view: composer view.
a y: #yourself.
a build.
composer group: #first.
b := RTDynamicStackedGrapher new.
b minY: -200; maxY: 200.
b view: composer view.
b y: #yourself.
b build.
composer group: #second.
composer move: #first onTheLeftOf: #second.
composer nameGroup: #first as: 'aFirstName'.
composer nameGroup: #second as: 'aSecondName'.
composer setGeneralTitle: 'aGeneralTitle'.
composer view addMenu: 'Left' callback: [ a add: 400 atRandom - 200 ].
composer view addMenu: 'Right' callback: [ b add: 400 atRandom - 200 ].
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi Natalia,
We have just added RWPopup.
v := RWView new.
shape := RWCube new color: [ :m | Color random asWDColor ].
es := shape elementsOn: (1 to: 100).
RWCubeLayout on: es.
v addAll: es.
es do: [ :e | e addInteraction: RWPopup ].
Let us know how it goes
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
> On May 12, 2015, at 1:09 PM, Natalia Tymchuk <natalia.tymchuk(a)unikernel.net> wrote:
> Hi.
> I also trying to work with Roassal3D. I don’t decide yet what I like more: Roassal3D or RWoden.
> And there I also cannot find how to add highlighting and menu, in your letter you wrote that you have it.
> Can you write how does it called there.
> Thanks,
> Natalia
Hi All!
I implemented a small data analyser based on Glamour and Roassal.
I took the gtInspector to Glamour browser approach and this was very easy!
No I have one problem. For one object I have 5 tabs of Roassal
visualiyation and I am reading data from a DB. It is not much but the
post processing for the view seems to be a little too complicated....
Is there a way to make such processing just lazy? I mean only once the
user actually opens a particular tab?
Since GLMInputTextPresentation (or how it was called, I forget it) is gone, and actually was never there…
how can I have the equivalent? I’m sure you had the problem in which you need some… how do you solve it?
I’ve launched my oldish project, and encountered an issue with new grapher. When one uses #labelConversion: he has to define an axis label for a certain index of dataset. But in latest Grapher this index can exceed the total number of dataset entries. While this is not an issue for continuos data, I am experiencing problems when I want to graph readings in a stacked manner. For example I have data readings taken in a different moment of time, and I wan to label the index of a reading and it’s time, to give and idea where in time it is, but when I’m asked about the label on 4 indices after my last reading I cannot put there anything.
I have a browser with a tree and a text after it…
I want my browser to show with an initial value. This does not seems to work:
presenter tree;
children: [ :node | node children ];
selection: { someNode }.
presenter tree;
children: [ :node | node children ];
selectionPath: { someNode }.
I’m lost :)