*** Please forward this message to students that might be interested ***
Heartiest Congratulations !
Pharo Consortium has been selected as a mentor organisation for Google
Summer of Code 2017.
Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on introducing
students to open source software development.
Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source
organisation during their break from university.
Read more at https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/
Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful
environment, focused on simplicity and immediate feedback (think IDE
and OS rolled into one).
Everything in Pharo is an object. The entire syntax of Pharo fits on a
postcard coding can be done directly in the debugger. Pharo has super
cool tools that empower you and make you super efficient. Pharo's goal
is to deliver a clean, innovative, free and open-source immersive
environment. By providing a stable and small core system, excellent
developing tools, and maintained releases, Pharo is an attractive
platform to build and deploy mission critical applications. Pharo
fosters a healthy ecosystem of both private and commercial
contributors who advance and maintain the core system and its external
More information about Pharo is available here: http://www.pharo.org/
We invite all the prospective eligible students to code their summer
away with Pharo Consortium.
Student Responsibilities
...to your Mentor
- Submit quality work
- Regularly communicate work completed, what you intend to do next, and blockers
- Ask for help when something is preventing you from achieving a goal
- Give indication that you are alive and working daily (GSoC)
- Re-evaluate work scope when significantly ahead of expectations (GSoC)
- Communicate with your mentor AND the broader community
- Inform when work capacity will be reduced, as early as possible
(e.g., family, health, other work) (GSoC)
- Listen and respond to feedback
...to the Org Admin
Let them know when there are
- Interaction issues with any mentor or community member
- Significant disagreements involving your work or changes to your work plan
Read more about responsibilities here:
Hence, we invite enthusiastic student developers contributors to work
with Pharo Consortium for GSoC 2017.
1. A first list of projects are available here :
http://gsoc.pharo.org/ but more can be found by interacting with
mentors from the Pharo community.
2. Join dedicated channels, #gsoc-students for general interactions
with students on Pharo slack. In order to get an invitation for
pharoproject.slack.com visit the URL here:
Discuss with mentors about the complexity and skills required for the
different projects.
3. Please help fix bugs, open relevant issues, suggest changes,
additional features, help build a roadmap, and interact with mentors
on mailing list and/or slack to get a better insight into projects.
Better the contributions, Better are the chances of selection.
Before applying:
* Knowledge about OOP
* Basic idea about Pharo & Smalltalk syntax and ongoing projects
* Past experience with Pharo & Smalltalk
* Interaction with organisation
You can start with the Pharo MOOC : http://files.pharo.org/mooc/
Guidelines for Proposal:
* Introduction: Clearly defined problem. Current state of things.
Issues you wish to solve and why. Conclude with solution.
* Project goals: Format it like a list. Propose a clear list of
deliverables, explaining exactly what you promise to do and what you
do not plan to do. “Future developments” can be mentioned. It is
better to promise less and deliver more than to promise a lot and then
fall short.
* Implementation: Longer and more detailed. Provide technical details,
show that you understand the technology and illustrate key technical
elements of your proposed solution.
* Timeline: Make it weekly. Set goals for each week. Be upfront about
other commitments, including exams, classes, travel, internships,
jobs, etc.
* Benefits to Community: Make your case a benefit to the organization.
* Related Work: Research and write how the project fits into the
target organization. Explain related works, similarities &
* About me: Provide full contact information, email addresses,
websites, IRC nick, postal address and telephone. Write a few
sentences about yourself, previous experiences and why you think
you’re the best for this job.
Submit your proposal early. Keep it short. Include necessary
information. Get it reviewed in the mailing list or Slack channel
before submitting it.
The deadline for submitting your proposal is March 20th to April 3rd
on https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/
Looking forward to great talent joining our organisation this summer.
Warm Regards
Pharo Organisation Admins
(Alexandre Bergel, Jigyasa Grover, Serge Stinckwich & Yuriy Tymchuk)
Just some quick feedback... in the "Moose Suite 6.0 (beta)" image from
PharoLauncher I opened World > Roassal > Roasasal Examples
Nice interface, but for the category "Grapher - Overall" I find there are
too many items,
such that even the text labels are too small to read. It might be better
to split this out to a few more categories.
cheers -ben
I loaded Roassal into Pharo 60411 and tried #exampleElasticBoxZoom.
I select a major portion of the graph, but it zooms down onto one of the
tiny axis tick-marks. Is there an issue tracker that is a better place to
report this?
cheers -ben
P.S. I was trying to run Moose 6.0 (beta) from Pharo Launcher on top of
a recent VM Feb 22 2017. It was locking up and crashing and I wasn't sure
how the versions aligned, so switching to loading Roassal from catalog
into 60411 has been running fine.
when I override a method with a GTInspector (because I need to change it),
then inspector contains the extension twice.
It seems Inspector scans the whole hierarchy of the inspected object for methods, but doesn't deduplicate them.
I'm wondering if it's in the scope of Moose to get to the standard CK
metrics for a model? It seems it's been done experimentally (
and I also found the momfe paper from 2002 (
http://scg.unibe.ch/archive/projects/Bute02a.pdf) but appeared not to have
all the CK metrics.
I also found the right-click on a Moose Model -> Export -> Export model to
MSE, but there was nothing that looked like standard CK metrics in the
exported file.
We are particularly trying to generate CBO (for a research comparison) for
a few classes and would like to be able to do all our work in Moose if
possible (especially with the visualizations in a RTView).
C. Fuhrman
On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 11:58 AM, Hernán Morales Durand <
hernan.morales(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Do you have good reference links to publications (yours or from other
> people) which uses Moose metrics for example in a "Material and Methods"
> section?
> I mean *not* Moose projects publications (projects derived from Moose),
> but those projects which uses Moose analysis to report Cyclomatic
> Complexity, Halstead Length, WMC, DIT, CBO, etc . I want to see what and
> how people reports metrics for a software project using Moose. If
> publication is in a Journal outside of the field of Software Engineering
> field that would be better.
> Cheers,
> Hernán
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> Moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev
Hello everyone,
I found something I find odd today. The method #numberOfLinesOfCodes is
defined on the Behavioral entities. I would have expected it on the
Sourced entities because if an entity has sources it should have a
number of lines of code.
What do you think?
Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France
I wanted to ask about Bloc:
1) how stable is the API? e.g. if some overhaul changes to unify/whatever are planned
2) I saw in the techtalk that you can align elements (to center, bottom, ...), however is that possible with lines? Lines have to rotate, morph shape, etc.
3) Are non-straight lines possible? (e.g. bezier, arc)
The idea for me is to make a simple mindmap
- elements with some text, icons, math symbols inside
- connectors (non-straight lines) between elements
To me (apart from the lines) it seems like it should be already doable.
Also either my (Morphic) Pharo is really slow, or Bloc (in the video) is superfast (everything is happening instantly).
I am currently working with Hashtable which is loaded by default in the Moose image.
With the latest image, I tried to do: (HashTable new at: #a put:1;yourself) inspect. And I got an inspector with the red square of death...
It seems that the visualization wants to get the item at the position 1 in the Hashtable but it cannot succeed because there is no item at 1 (obviously, it is an hashtable).
Can someone with GtTools knowledge take a look at that?
Thanks in advance,
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Here's an example code using RTForceBasedLayout (from an example on this
list a while back):
view := RTView new.
objects := RTObject withAllSubclasses.
elements := (RTBox new size: #numberOfMethods; color: (Color blue alpha:
0.5)) elementsOn: objects.
elements @ RTPopup new.
view addAll: elements.
RTForceBasedLayout on: elements.
view @ RTDraggableView .
view open
It produces:
[image: Inline image 1]
Is it possible to have the RTForceBasedLayout such that the result has no
overlapping boxes (or rectangles)? I realize setting force: to some large
negative number will help, but it's not ideal because it creates a lot of
empty space.
In d3 (with SVG) there are a couple of examples of what I'd like to achieve
(although they don't show edges):
https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/1062383 (arbitrary shapes)
https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3231298 (arbitrary circles that stick to each
The animation isn't important in my case. I wasn't sure where/how to apply
the transform operation after a layout has been done in RTForceBasedLayout.
Any hints?
Here's what my graph looks like:
[image: Inline image 2]
The code I have to produce this is too much to post, so I used the example
at the top. My code also uses
RTForceBasedLayout new charge: -1000; on: b elements.
Hi everybody,
I have this complicated code to draw a line with separators at both ends, I
try to put the legend text with #below but nothing is changed :
| view e1 e2 l1 label |
view := RTView new.
label := RTLabeled new
color: Color black;
text: 'Class IIa';
e1 := RTBox new element
color: Color black;
height: 10;
width: 1;
e2 := RTBox new element
color: Color black;
height: 10;
width: 1;
l1 := RTStyledMultiLine new
color: Color black;
edgeFrom: e1 to: e2.
view addAll: (Array with: e1 with: e2 with: l1).
l1 @ label.
RTHorizontalLineLayout new on: view elements.
view elements pairsDo: [ :a :b | b translateBy: 100 @ 0 ].
^ view
Any suggestion?