For the Grafoscopio notebook I would like to store the results of
playground executions. That would imply to know when a playground was
executed and which was the result[1]. We have been talking about that in
the Pharo users mailing list and Ben and Phill are bringing some light
on that, but I would like to invite Moose community to participate also.
I have been looking at some inspector and playground blog posts, but the
ones I have found are about creating custom views of objects you would
like to extend, instead of capturing the output.
There is any way to do that?
Heartiest Congratulations !
Pharo Consortium has been selected as a mentor organisation for Google
Summer of Code 2017.
Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on introducing
students to open source software development.
Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source
organisation during their break from university.
How the program works ?
Open source projects apply to be mentor organizations. Once accepted,
organizations discuss possible ideas with students and then decide on
the proposals they wish to mentor for the summer. They provide mentors
to help guide each student through the program.
Existing contributors with the organizations can choose to mentor a
student project. Mentors and students work together to determine
appropriate milestones and requirements for the summer. Mentor
interaction is a vital part of the program. A mentor may propose or
endorse a project and each project has to be about Pharo or its
ecosystem (e.g., a library). Projects will be mentored by one or more
mentors and executed by one student.
Students contact the mentor organizations they want to work with and
write up a project proposal for the summer. If accepted, students
spend a month integrating with their organizations prior to the start
of coding. Students then have three months to code, meeting the
deadlines agreed upon with their mentors. Student coding period: May
30 - Aug 29 (Entire timeline can be viewed at:
https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/how-it-works/#timeline). Student
stipend: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/help/student-stipends
We are currently at the phase of identifying mentors and projects. The
next phases will be about students selecting projects, and the
community selecting the projects with their associated mentors and
students which will be sponsored by the GSOC program.
How to register ?
Simply by replying to this email and joining the Slack channel... to
have more discussion about what project the mentor will take up, what
she/he wants at the end of the coding period and then we can invite
them to the GSoC org dashboard).
Hence, we invite regular & enthusiastic Pharo contributors to be a
mentor with Pharo Consortium for GSoC 2017:
1. Kindly respond on this thread if you'd like to be a mentor, or wish
to propose a project.
An existing list of projects is already available here:
http://gsoc.pharo.org/ and we already have a handful of projects and
mentors chosen. Feel free to collaborate with existing mentors as
2. Join dedicated channels, #gsoc-students for general interactions
with students & #gsoc-planning channel only for GSOC admins and
mentors on Pharo slack. In order to get an invitation for
pharoproject.slack.com visit the URL here:
3. Please open relevant issues and make a roadmap of the projects
being mentored by you so that students can start contributing to them
already. If you want to mentor a project and there is no open-source
repository at the moment, please built one ASAP.
4. If you know any students that might be interested to work on Pharo
during the summer and be a part of GSoC as well, please ask him/her to
start contributing to the Pharo projects, discuss their proposal,
follow instructions that shall be posted soon in this mailing thread
and submit their application by April 3, 2017.
We don't know the number of slots attributed by Google to Pharo org,
but the more students proposal we will receive, the more slots will be
attributed to us.
We remind you about the mentor responsibilities:
... to your Org Admins
- Communicate availability and interaction expectations
- Inform when mentoring capacity will be reduced, as early as possible
(e.g., family, health, vacation)
- Inform when there is an issue with a student
- Lacking communication, activity, visibility (MIA), or progress
- Participant Agreement violations (e.g., plagiarism, harassment, fraud)
- Bad fit or stepping down
- Formally evaluate student participation.
- Communicate with admin and student before failing
... to your Students
- Help and/or teach the student
- how to be a part of your community
- communicate more effectively and in the open
- work with your org’s preferred communication channel (IRC, Slack, etc)
- use your org’s version control system
- ask good questions and get answers to their questions
- provide convincing technical argument and constructive discussion
- be independently motivated and productive
- solve difficult technical problems
- Keep track of their progress, keep student informed as to their status
- Communicate on a regular basis, once a week or better (for GSoC)
- Give constructive feedback, be patient, and be respectful
- Respond to questions within 24 hours (occasionally under 36 hours is ok)
- Establish realistic work objectives and timeline expectations
- Re-evaluate scope with student when significantly ahead of or behind
- Work with devs and community to facilitate acceptance of student work
Read more about responsibilities here:
Looking forward to a great guided summer by the talented mentors of
our organisation.
Warm Regards
Pharo Organisation Admins
(Alexandre Bergel, Jigyasa Grover, Serge Stinckwich & Yuriy Tymchuk)
Something seems to be wrong with the Roassal2 job: it does not end. Could someone take a look?
"We can create beautiful models in a vacuum.
But, to get them effective we have to deal with the inconvenience of reality."
Dear all,
apparently Moose 6.0 version available on the website:
is not the same version used on SmalltalkCI.
1st one is :
Pharo5.0 Latest update: #50761
and the other one:
Pharo5.0 Latest update: #50770
Is it possible to have same version on both sides ? :-)
Because we have some code that only fails on the CI and this source of
Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
The latest builds of the Moose6.1 image are failing due to a segmentation fault.
Here is the link to the last build: https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/moose-6.1/550/console
How can we fix this?
Thanks in advance,
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