Hello Moosers,
This is a first for me: I wanted to extend the inspector in a new way and I
was able to work out how to do that myself from reading the code :). So I
am posting not a question but a tip!
If you want to add a Search button to one specific tabbed view in the
inspector (as opposed to above on the object as a whole) then you can do it
like this:
composite list "etc"
addAction: someObject gtInspectorActionSpot;
and then you will get a little Search button inside this inspector view
that opens an appropriately-sized Spotter on someObject.
I was surprised not to find a 'GTSpotter openOn: someObject' convenience
method. Should there be one? There is 'on:' but that leaves you to work out
how to open the spotter window with an appropriate size.
Hi all -- I'm not sure if I missed it, but does Moose explicitly model the
<<creates>> relationship of UML between two classes, e.g.,
Based on
http://themoosebook.org/book/index.html#h1thefamixfamilyofmeta-models I
found Entity -> SourcedEntity -> Association -> {Access, Invocation,
Inheritance, Reference}. In Moose, I can see outgoingInvocations on methods
of a class contain "new X" for all the X that a class creates, but I
wondered if there's a more efficient way.
Is there an easy way to make a GLM table column right-justified?
I have some numeric columns and I think they would be easier to read if
I am also still looking for a way to use a fixed-width font for various
glamorous components like lists, tables, and text. This would help me to
present semi-structured data that doesn't *quite* fit into uniform columns
in a readable way. Is there a way to do that?
Suppose that my GTInspector extension method fails for some interesting
reason. How should I present an error message to the user?
I'm am especially thinking of cases where I am spawning a Unix command
behind the scenes and I want to show the (possibly long) output of the
command to the user. Could happen either in an inspector extension method
or also in a "Go" action of the inspector.
Tips would be much appreciated :).
The 'histogram' method on SequenceableCollection added by Roassal2 fails due to xScale/yScale not being implemented on RTHistogramSet.
I added implementations of both as:
^ RTLinearTransformation instance.
to RTHistogramSet which at least gets a histogram working. I'm not sure what the proper fix actually is. I thought maybe adding this implementation on RTAbstractDataset would be the right thing to do...
Is there a way to set a default selection to a list presentation? so that
when I open the browser, the morphic list has already a value selected.
I tried that:
tmpBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
tmpBrowser row: #list.
tmpBrowser transmit to: #list; andShow: [:a |
a list
display: [:input | input];
selection: #a;
tmpBrowser openOn: #( b c d v a d f r).
but the list still open with nothing selected
Hi klaranosan,
First, welcome!
Second, thanks for the work on the issues.
Third, would you like to introduce yourself? :)
"To lead is not to demand things, it is to make them happen."