I have just added a browser for the examples.
Accessible from the World menu.
We are making progresses :-)
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
When tracing the execution in GT-debugger the text selection does not always reflect the real position of the program counter. Consider the following screenshot:
I have simply pressed the step-into button, nothing more. The selection is not meaningful.
Am I the only one to have noticed this?
It would be great to have it fixed…
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi guys,
I’m not experienced in OpenGL, but I’ve noticed that both Roassal3D and Woden occupy a high level process and are not yielding Processor to anyone else. For example code highlight, spotter, and other lower priority processes are not working as soon as you open a 3D visualization. On the other hand this doesn’t happen while using CodeCity (and it also uses OpenGL). Is it very complicated to make Roassal3D and Woden to respect other processes?
We did a number of improvements of Grapher for Thomas. I am sharing them since some of you may find it relevant.
*** Tip: need to shift the Y-axis ***
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds barShape color: Color red.
ds points: #(5 1 20 8).
b add: ds.
b axisX noLabel; noTick. b axisY noDecimal.
b build.
The Y-Axis can be shifted vertically using labelConversion: and a minor translation of the value, as in:
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds barShape color: Color red.
ds points: #(5 1 20 8).
ds y: [ :v | v - 10 ].
b add: ds.
b axisX noLabel; noTick. b axisY noDecimal.
b axisY labelConversion: [ :v | v + 10 ].
b build.
*** Improvement 1: Centered labels for bar charts ***
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds barShape color: Color red.
ds points: #(5 1 20 8).
ds y: [ :v | v - 10 ].
ds barChartWithBarCenteredTitle: [ :value | '##', value asString ].
b add: ds.
b axisX noLabel; noTick. b axisY noDecimal.
b axisY labelConversion: [ :v | v + 10 ].
b build.
*** Improvement 2: Average for X values ***
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTDataSet new.
ds dotShape color: Color red.
ds points: #(5 1 20 8).
b add: ds.
b addDecorator: (RTHorizontalAverageDecorator new withLabel; labelConvertion: [ :aValue | 'average = ', aValue asFloat asString ]).
b build.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi, From time to time I see a bug in GLMTreeMorphNodeModel>>pathIn:
It happens like this:
1) PPSmalltalkGrammar new inspect.
2) Click to the tree view and do some clicking here and there, expanding
and collapsing nodes.
3) After some time, pharo freezes in a enldess recursion call. You can see
it in the attached screenshot.
This behaviour is there for quite a time (at least half a year, as far as I
PS: Where shall I report bugs like this? GoogleCode or FogBugz?
Hi all,
Today and tomorrow, a small group of persons will be doing a
workshop/hackathon about Pharo and Agile Visualization at our local
hackerspace. Details on the event are on:
I will be sharing teaching materials, first impressions and questions
with you about the experience, while is happening and after that.
We have exposed the SVG examples in the Roassal example browser.
Some of you may be interested in this
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu