Stéph and I are trying to revive Coral. There is a unit test that
self assert: (CLIParameterParser boolean) fail: #('falsely').
CLIParameterParser class>>boolean
| trueToken falseToken | trueToken := (self
caseInsensitiveKeywords: #('true' 'yes')) end ==> [:token
| true]. falseToken := (self caseInsensitiveKeywords:
#('false' 'no')) end ==> [:token | false]. ^ self new
setParser: (PPElementParser on: trueToken / falseToken
message: 'boolean expected'); name: 'bool'
CLIParameterParser class>>caseInsensitiveKeywords: aCollection
^ (PPChoiceParser withAll: (aCollection collect: [ :each |
each asParser caseInsensitive ])) token
I don't know if this test used to pass but I guess it did. I think
the problem is in the new work around "contexts".
Can somebody please help?
Damien Cassou http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
Hi everyone,
after having access to a machine running OS X 10.10.2 I started to give
Moose 5.1 a try for some initial data analysis.
I used Pharo Launcher (build #24) and downloaded the Moose image with
buildnumber 304.
The task is to read a CSV log file containing around 130000 entries, each
containing a timestamp, a cpu usage number, and some other information.
Everything works as expected, but the responsiveness of the image drops
dramatically after executing the script in Playground with Cmd+Shift+g.
After evaluating the script it takes several seconds to get a response to
any action such as opening the world menu or switching tabs in the
Is this because I am doing something very inefficient (most probably) or
does this problem occur more often?
Here is the script I am using:
cpuReader := NeoCSVReader on: (cpuFile readStream).
cpuReader separator: $|.
cpuHeader := cpuReader readHeader.
cpuData := cpuReader upToEnd.
g := RTGrapher new.
g extent: 300@200.
ds := RTDataSet new.
ds points: (cpuData collect: [ :each |
| timestamp cpuUsage |
timestamp := (each at: 1) asNumber.
cpuUsage := (each at: 4) asNumber.
Array braceWith: timestamp with: cpuUsage]).
ds x: #first.
ds y: #second.
ds connectColor: Color blue.
g add: ds.
g addDecorator: RTHorizontalTickLineDecorator new.
g addDecorator: RTVerticalTickLineDecorator new.
g build.
g view canvas.
I also noticed that the 'Meta' representation of an object looks very
crammed since it does not use the full size available in the tab.
Should issues like this be reported somewhere else?
Thanks for taking a look at this,
Just to share our latest feature.
We have implemented a simple mechanism in Roassal to prevent the environment to be sluggish with many elements.
The class RTCache has the effect to remove the elements from a view, create a bitmap from them, and add the bitmap to the view. Simple and effective.
Consider the following script:
v := RTView new.
v @ RTDraggableView.
colors := ColorPalette qualitative colors: 8 scheme:'Set1'.
elements := (RTEllipse new color: [ :aValue | colors atRandom alpha: 0.01 ]; size: #yourself) elementsOn: ((1 to: 500000) collect: [ :vv | 10 atRandom + 5 ]).
elements do: [ :e | e translateTo: 500 atRandom @ 500 atRandom ].
v addAll: elements.
RTCache new cacheView: v.
Without the line "RTCache new cacheView: v.” Pharo would be completely unresponsive. 500 000 elements is quite a lot.
The drawback is that all interaction with the elements are lost. I have some idea on how to add them back. We will work on this in future work.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I would like to create a tag cloud around an avatar taken from the
public profile of a social network (twitter). For that I would like to
know if is possible to make 3 things in Roassal:
1. Put a tag cloud with some layout/form (for example around an object).
2. Put a raster image (the avatar) in the center of that tag cloud.
3. Exclude some words from the tag cloud.
I will be making my explorations tonight and tomorrow morning, but any
pointer in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.
hi all,
Many test on PetitSmalltalk were failing so i tried to fix them.
someone should review the changes, there are many, and it's my
first time with petitparser.
see attached file.
- evaluate
Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo' project: 'MetaRepoForPharo40';
configurationOf: 'PetitParser';
- and merge attached file
Name: PetitSmalltalk-BernardoContreras.84
Author: BernardoContreras
Time: 13 March 2015, 9:24:08.132253 pm
UUID: fc0534b1-3411-485c-87bc-0afa4eaab84d
Ancestors: PetitSmalltalk-TudorGirba.83
compare the keywordsPositions instead of the selectorParts
add PPSmalltalkGrammarTests>>#testPragma17
tests pragmas with a keyword message.
add PPSmalltalkParser>>#buildSelector:
builds a selector from a array of RB tokens
for every given test add the keywordsPositions assertion.
i think it's needed because the PPSmalltalkClassesTests check the positions.
remove RBValueToken>>#inputValue (noone calls it?)
Bernardo E.C.
Sent from a cheap desktop computer in South America.
I am facing a scenario that spotter does not seem to help. Consider the following scenario:
- Consider the Moose Panel menu:
- I would like to know how to add a new entry in that menu. Best is to look for existing example. So, I would like to see the class behind the entry “import hismo model from MSE files”. I highly suspect that the class contains the word “Hismo” and “Import” in it. Well, let’s see what spotter gives me.
- I open Spotter and enter: hismo import
Instead, I open Nautilus, typed Importer, and found it:
It is MooseHismoImporter. Well, from this class, I end up in MPImportHismoCommand, which is exactly what I am looking for
Did I miss anything obvious in my reasoning?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi Again :-)
So, I compiled a fraction of the BBC News JavaScript application. And I started to visualize their JavaScript application.
Here are my two tries:
So, it seems to work well :-) Happy I am :-)
[ NB: I put the moose mailing list in copy since this may have a great interest in the community ]
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu