I've loaded GTPlayground and GTInspector in my 3.0 image.
Works nice.
Now, I needed to search a string in a string show in the String tab.
There seemed to be no way to do that.
Is there a shortcut key?
I have a large piece of text and I missed that feature.
Got away by copy/pasting to an old workspace and searching from there.
TIA for the pointer.
Packages in MooseAlgos are quite independent of Moose. I wonder if it would be good to have them as an independent project. In fact, they are not far from being independent (some dependencies to break) but the name of the project does not reflect that. Maybe it is something that prevents other developers to use these algorithms. I personally think MooseAlgos will benefit from a name without Moose. 'Algos' is not a good name and it is difficult to find a good one because there are algorithms for graphs (mostly), clustering, and matrix. There is also a package with code under the BSD license. Need to split? Name ideas?
Here are the dependencies (only static analysis, I do not know if there are some runtime dependencies not detected) :
Moose-Algos-Graph has a dependency on Moose-Core because Moose-Algos-Graph defines an extension method cyclesToAll: for MooseGroup. It is very strange. #cyclesToAll: is only called by FAMIXNamespaceGroup>>#cyclesToAllProviderNamespaces in the Famix-Extensions package. This methods has no senders. Either MooseGroup>>#cyclesToAll and FAMIXNamespaceGroup>>#cyclesToAllProviderNamespaces should be removed or moved MooseGroup>>#cyclesToAll should be moved to #FAMIXNamespaceGroup. WDYT?
Moose-Algos-Clusturing depends on Moose-Core because MalClusterEngine>>performClusteringShowProgress: references MooseCustomTask. I don't know how to break this dependency.
Best regards,
My talk on Moose was accepted at the Breathing Code conference to be held
on May 5 in Frankfurt:
It's an interesting setup that fits both Pharo and Moose like a glove.
However, this being the first edition of the conference, the organizers are
a bit in trouble as there are not enough registrations. They need to reach
35 participants until April 1, and they urge people to spread the word.
Now, I kindly ask you to spread the word the best you can about this
"Every thing has its own flow"
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1117 by christop...(a)inria.fr: Cleanup in Moose-Algos-Graph + add
GraphReducer + add TopologicalSorting
Cleanup in Moose-Algos-Graph
You received this message because this project is configured to send all
issue notifications to this address.
You may adjust your notification preferences at:
After loading Glamour dev in Pharo 40
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'Glamour';
package: 'ConfigurationOfGlamour';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlamour)
perform: #loadDevelopment
when I try opening Playground I get
AnObsoleteGLMLiveStringBrick(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #textLogic:
And Spotter throws
GLMHintableActionButtonBrick(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #addUpAction:
Am I missing some extra dependency?
Dear Moose developers,
As you already know I am working on providing better code quality support in Pharo. You can use Code Critics in Pharo to detect bad practices and potential bugs. But launching the Critics Browser and running it on your code every now and then requires additional effort which demotivates many people in doing it.
I want to present you a compact tool called Quality Assistant
It runs SmallLint rules on the code that you save and provides you with a critic feedback directly in the place where you code: the Nautilus Browser.
Quality Assistant is available for Pharo 4 from the Configuration browser. Please read about how to set it up here: https://github.com/Uko/QualityAssistant#set-up
I plan to introduce more features in the future and your feedback is much appreciated.
Maybe some of you are not are not aware of the RTBlink class. RTBlink is an interaction to make element blink. You simply need to invoke "RTBlink on: aRoassalElement”
Here are two examples:
v := RTView new.
v @ RTDraggableView.
shape := RTBox new width: [ :cls | cls numberOfVariables * 5 max: 5 ]; height: [ :cls | cls numberOfMethods sqrt * 2 ].
es := shape elementsOn: Collection withAllSubclasses.
v addAll: es.
RTFlowLayout on: es.
RTMetricNormalizer new
elements: es;
normalizeColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
es when: TRMouseClick do: [ :event | RTBlink new color: Color blue; on: event element ].
Simply click on an element to make it blink.
A slightly more elaborated example:
"Set here the classes you wish to visualize"
classes := Collection withAllSubclasses.
v := RTView new.
v @ RTDraggableView.
shape := RTBox new width: [ :cls | cls numberOfVariables * 5 max: 5 ]; height: [ :cls | cls numberOfMethods sqrt * 2 ].
es := shape elementsOn: classes.
v addAll: es.
RTFlowLayout on: es.
RTMetricNormalizer new
elements: es;
normalizeColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
"Set here the classes you wish to visualize"
labels := (RTLabel new height: 8) elementsOn: classes.
RTFlowLayout new gapSize: 0; on: labels.
v addAll: labels.
TRConstraint move: labels onTheRightOf: es.
labels translateBy: 20 @ 0.
labels @ RTHighlightable.
labels when: TRMouseClick do: [ :event | RTBlink new color: Color blue; on: (es elementFromModel: event element model) ].
es @ RTHighlightable.
es when: TRMouseClick do: [ :event | RTBlink new color: Color blue; on: (labels elementFromModel: event element model) ].
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Is there a new bug tracker for Moose?
As google code will close in 2016, but in read only mode from August, 24th 2015 I wanted to know if the migration is already done, forecasted?