Name: ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser-StephanEggermont.28
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 11 October 2015, 2:05:48.838156 pm
UUID: c6bd1590-d850-4a25-9f75-b22b42c73944
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser-AndreiChis.27
Fix symbolic version to use the right baseline in Pharo5
Projects that load packages using Metacello, tend not to look in Pharo50
and Pharo50Inbox for new versions of those packages.
I noticed the Rubric version in Moose 6 to be significantly behind the
one in Pharo 5... Can we automatically copy back the inbox/integrator
version to its repo?
In the latest moose image ConfigurationOfMagritteGlamourForPharo40 hides
the latest versions for some packages.
For example it loads Glamour-Morphic-Renderer.issue_1126-SeanDeNigris.325
instead of the latest version Glamour-Morphic-Renderer-MarcusDenker.326.
Did something changed these days?
Name: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-StephanEggermont.118
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 10 October 2015, 9:09:24.252164 pm
UUID: 5d39ab33-c062-4754-ad55-4feb4b59199d
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-StephanEggermont.117
Update Grease to stable version #'release1.2' is version 3.5.0
Name: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-StephanEggermont.117
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 10 October 2015, 5:56:07.098168 pm
UUID: e61105b7-4521-4428-9881-795f10251beb
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-SeanDeNigris.116
In place change: block with MagritteGlamourForPharo40 only for Pharo 4.
I want to have two presentations stacked vertically, which present different
aspects of the same object. I used `a stackedVerticallyArrangement`, but I
want them to be a) different initial sizes and b) have a draggable splitter
in between, but this doesn't seem possible. So my questions are:
1. Do I need to use two separate panes?
2. What is the use case for #stackedVerticallyArrangement? I.e. how does it
differ from using two panes?
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Hi All!
We are (secretly :-) working on Roassal3D. Teseo, from the University of Lugano, is quite enthusiast :-)
Alexandre Bergel
In the last version of Moose, when I select a frame in the debugger, there is no selection in the text. I need to press the Magnifier icon to get it.
Very annoying :-(
Alexandre Bergel
I have just downloaded the latest version of Moose, and the debugger has not syntax highlighting. Any idea why?
Alexandre Bergel
MooseQuery has been integrated in the Moose 6.0 (Thanks Vincent!). Normally, it works on Pharo and Java Famix model. If you want to be able to use MooseQuery on any other language, you have to add new pragmas in the ‘annotations' class method of the famix entities.
Please notice that currently, as previously announced, MooseQuery has not the same behavior than MooseChef concerning the method extensions.
Considering classA having a method methodA1 calling a method methodBExt1 that extends classB.
classB is defined in pckgB and its extension method by pckgC.
Considering the two following requests:
1. classA queryOutgoingInvocation atClassScope atPackageScope
2. classA queryOutgoingInvocation atPackageScope
To the first query, MooseChef and MooseQuery answer the same: pckgB
To the second query, MooseChef answers pckgC and MooseQuery answers pckgB and pckgC.
After discussion with some people here in Lille, it is difficult to remain generic (as it is the purpose of MooseQuery) and to manage this specific case where the owner of a method can be either a package or a class.
I tried to lock Stéphane in his office and force him to discuss with me about this issue and have a look at the code, but until now he succeeds to escape ;o)
If you have any question or feedback please feel free to share.